I’m wondering if there any plans to update Deadline mobile app? The current version is quite awful, it doesn’t show all jobs and sometimes doesn’t want to connect at all.
Or maybe there is an easy way to get job list and progress by web? Some kind of pre-made scripts to run without hardcoding?
There have been a few web front-ends folks have written from scratch. I’ve done a search through Github and wasn’t able to find the one I expected to find there.
Deadline mobile pulls its information from the web service, and there are quite a few API endpoints.
I’ll modify the subject and see if we get any bites from folks willing to share their projects.
There is one simple one here forums.thinkboxsoftware.com/vie … ace#p14849. Would be great if the beautiful charts on farm stats in monitor can be ported to the web. So it can be viewed elsewhere other than the artists’ machines (like, a big web screen in bosses office as part of intranet ).