We have some issues here with Filters getting reset and not filtering in deadline monitor.
if you filter by a specific user and then restart monitor, the filter is no longer applied.
I also have reports from a few of our artists that the filter will turn off in the day and reset to not filtering even though options are still checked. This has been theorised to be linked to minimising/maximising monitor but I have not been able to reproduce the loss during the day personally.
Hello Rob,
We did fix some filter related stuff in Deadline 8.0.5, so I would love it if you could update to the latest version and see how that works for you.
Thanks! Did the upgrade this morning. Will report back.
We also are experiencing problems with filters even after upgrading to The filters do not update once they are set. For instance if an artist filters their username in the job list, other users jobs will creep into the list as jobs get submitted. Another example is that if I set up a filter for all current rendering jobs, completed or failed jobs will not leave the list unless I manually re-apply the filter.
We will have to do some deeper testing of this on Deadline and see if we can figure out what might still be happening. Thanks for the new update.
[Update: I was able to reproduce this in Deadline, so I will pass this along to the devs and see what we can come up with to fix it. ]
Has this issue been addressed in the latest build?
I think either the or the 8.0.8 should have this fixed, but I will need to verify the current state of this.