Deadline Monitor is unable to find event plugin placed under DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH

Hi all,

My event plugin works perfectly when I placed it under RemoteDeadlineReposity/custom/events folder. But when I tried to place it to other place and set DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH to the folder includes the plugin, Deadline Monitor is not able to see that plugins (i.e. the plugin not shown in Deadline Monitor’s Configure Event Plugins window). Is there anything I missing ?

Let’s say my plugin is placed in “\XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX\dev\deadline_plugins\events\MyEvent” and I set DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH="\XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX\dev\deadline_plugins", I expect the event plugin should be able to be recognized by Deadline Monitor but I got nothing.

That should be all that’s required, but I’m also not able to see plugins at the path set under DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH.

What version of Deadline are you running? I’m running, and I’d like to know how big of a range of versions I need to look at.

Hi Justin,

The Deadline version I use is, I think this version should support the DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH setting as well. According to the document, I think this environment variable is set on specific local machines to redirect their plugins search path. I don’t have to set this on machine that holding the repository, right ?

Another question is: Can I set DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH in Job Info file rather than modify my machine’s environment setting ? I only want DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH could be recognized when deadline job is processed, so I come out this idea to add this line in Job Info file:


but unfortunately it does’t work as well. Is this a valid setting to redirect the plugin search ?

I know there was an issue with the job-level plugin path customization code in that version, but that doesn’t explain why I’m having issues as well as we fixed that in

So long as DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH is set in the environment the Deadline client application is launched in it should apply. You don’t need to set it on the repository machine.

For your other question, setting DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH in the job’s environment will be too late. By the time that runs the plugin sandbox will have already been created. If you want to override it the correct option would be to use the CustomPluginPath job info setting. But that’s broken in your version of Deadline. Instead you’ll have to set DEADLINE_CUSTOM_PATH on the machine.