Deadline Monitor Search Boxes

Deadline Monitor has a Search Box in both the Job and Slave panels, but there doesn’t seem to be anything much about them in the docs.

I’ve discovered that OR works, but not AND or NOT.

Tilde (~) doesn’t work either.

I realise this is probably considered something of a bonus feature by many, but it can be really useful, and could be even more…


Hi Simon,

The AND option is implicit. So if you type two words separated by a space, the search will include jobs that contain both words somewhere in their data.

The NOT idea is interesting though. We can put it on the wish list.


  • Ryan

Hi Russell,

Thanks for that clarification.

To give an example of where the NOT function might be useful - we Group (in a Deadline sense) machines according to memory capacity, e.g., 24gb, 32gb, etc.

Our 32gb machines are members of the 32gb group and also of the 24gb group. Being able to search (for example) for “24gb NOT 32gb” would be really useful…


Sorry to bring this old thread back to life, but it’s related.

We are dealing with a bunch of episodes at the same time in the renderfarm, and would like to search for a specific one, let’s say episode 020.

Our naming convention is {episodeNumber}{shotNumber}{animationOrBackground}{version}, so when I look for episode 020 , I also get all the shots that finish in 020 from the rest of the episodes. This happens because the search box doesn’t need wildcards and looks for the given string even inside bigger strings, but is a bit inconvenient in this case.

Is there a way to filter the search, for example, to only jobs with name STARTING in “020_” and not those that CONTAIN “020_”?


Yes, there is indeed! You will need to create yourself a filter, as shown here: … e-job-list

Hey ! i was wondering the same thing this morning :slight_smile:

Is the value “OR” still working ? ( R or
A filter “e205 OR e206” doesn’t work, and i don’t want to make a filter for this only.

2nd question : is it possible to disable Search history ?

Thanks !

very helpful, thanks a lot!

-no problem!

-RegEx is supported in the search box, so for jobs that start with “020_”, you could use “^020_”.
-Support to disable the search history has been added to our future release wishlist. Thanks for the suggestion!

Hi pingus43,
Could I ask for more information regarding your comment previously…

Could you help me understand why a filter wouldn’t be applicable here? You could “pin” the filter for later use if that helps. The Search Box is really intended for very simple ad-hoc queries and anything more complicated should use the advanced filtering system, as it provides the level of flexibility that users require for complex search.

Here’s our setup :

We’v got about 5 running episodes in deadline : e201, e202…, e205
Each episode has 150 to 200 shoots : e201p001… e205p199
Each Shoot has around 5-10 passes : e201p001_perso, e201p001_perso_Z, e201p001_decor…

I use Job tab filtered to manage my various ‘status’ of jobs, depending on pool attribution, intern priority to render, application (we got some AE jobs )
Then i use search filter to filter the job or the shoot i want to look at.

It’s the best workflow i found.
Search filter is great, it’s just automatique filling with searching history witch is a pain… i simple disable on this would be perfect.

Thanks !

OK, thanks! So, support to disable the search history has now been added to our future release wishlist.
I wonder if you could also use multiple “job panels”, one per episode or one per job state, if this would help?
You could also use the new icon shortcut to “pinned layouts” (new in Deadline v7.1) to also aid in switching fast.

I’m actually on 7.1 :slight_smile:
And yes, i’m using a lot multiple job panels : One for AE jobs only, 1 for all jobs 3D witch is my main working tab & then 1 for each status i want to track. For exemple 1 for finished jobs, so i can see what can be check, or 1 for prioritized jobs…

This is really friendly user, just like a web navigation :slight_smile:

What could be really awsome is a better tab management. Allow a drag & drop to re-order them.
For exemple : if i got 5 jobs tab. If i want to invert tab 2 & 3 i have to unlock layout, then detach tab2, to reattach it into my monitor. But now he is at the end. So i have to re-order tab 4 & 5 after to replace them correctly.
I’m not sure if it’s understandable ^^