AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline Monitor7 on OSX sometimes non responsive

Minor things I’ve noticed is that after a period of time Deadline Monitor 7 often becomes unresponsive. Only on Mac. PC seems to work fine. I’m using Mavericks.

I’ll right click to suspend, or resume, or resubmit, etc a job and nothing happens. Sometimes I don’t realize nothing is happening. If I restart the Monitor it seems to work on restart.

Second bug. This is really weird. On Mac (Mavericks), if I right click to “Complete Task” It will not work with a wacom pen.

I do the same thing and right click to “Complete Task” with a wacom mouse, it works fine. Really strange.

When you say it’s unresponsive, do you get the spinning mouse cursor because the UI is completely locked up? Or, are you still able to interact with the UI, but any options you click on seem to do nothing? It sounds like the latter, but I just want to confirm.

The next time this happens, can you send us the Monitor log? We can take a look to see if there are any errors. You can find the log from the Monitor by selecting Help -> Explore Log Folder.

Finally, we have fixed a bug in the upcoming Release Candidate 2 that resulted in the Monitor potentially missing updates, which could potentially explain the problem (ie: the operations complete successfully, but the UI doesn’t update to reflect that).

For the second bug, it must be a Qt thing. Deadline 6 used Qt 4 for the UI, and it had all sorts of problems with Wacom tablets. Most of these issues were fixed in Qt 5 (which is what Deadline 7 uses), but it would appear there are still a few lingering issues.


Sorry for the delay in response. Yes… still able to interact with the UI, but any options you click on seem to do nothing?

Thanks for confirming. Have you had a chance to upgrade to RC4 yet? It would be interesting to see if you still see this problem with the latest build, and if you do, please send us the Monitor logs and we’ll take a look.


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