deadline not using the correct NIC - urgent

I have got a setup with 2 NIC in each machines (including rendernodes). Basically, the primary network use a private IP 10.0.0.* with local dns - fixed ip - and microsoft client, mapped network drives etc, high end switch etc. The secondary NIC is connected to adsl line with no microsoft client, just for software updates over the internet - dynamic addressing, basic switch.
Since I upgraded to deadline 3, the deadline clients show the IP address of the wrong NIC (the internet one, not the intranet), so the traffic is directed to this one and results in dreadfully slow rendertimes.

Is there a way to force it to the correct NIC / subnet ?

Tks for your prompt support !

Hi Olivier,

Since this is a 3.0 beta issue, I’ve continued the conversation in the 3.0 Discussion forums:

In the future, please post 3.0 beta related discussions to the 3.0 Discussion forums.


  • Ryan