I am running the “full command” generated from deadline, in the cmd since it gives me better logs.
The problem is that expressions are not evaluated in Houdini for some reason thus the error.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2846]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Ahmed Hindy>"C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 19.5.569\bin\hython.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\NZXT\plugins\6458e1afcd0958a32e035ccf\hrender_dl.py" -f 1014 1014 1 -o "$RENDER_PATH/v`padzero(4, chs("../null/v"))`/$OS/Seq_01-Shot_01_render_Seq_01-Shot_01_v`padzero(4, chs("../null/v"))`_$OS.$F4.exr" -g -d /obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility -tempdir "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\NZXT\jobsData\6458e1afcd0958a32e035ccf\0_temp6WDLu0" -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail 1 "G:/Projects/Challenges/pwnisher_Endless_Engines/03_Production/Shots/Seq_01/Shot_01/Scenefiles/fx/Effects/Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.hip"
00:00:00 207MB | log started Mon May 8 16:26:39 2023
00:00:00 207MB | Arnold [86d9e1ad] windows x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/04/14 08:35:39
00:00:00 207MB | running on NZXT, pid=35880
00:00:00 207MB | 1 x AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (16 cores, 32 logical) with 130981MB
00:00:00 207MB | NVIDIA driver version 531.68 (Optix 60806)
00:00:00 207MB | GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 @ 1815MHz (compute 8.6) with 8191MB (3556MB available) (NVLink:0)
00:00:00 207MB | Windows 10 (version 10.0, build 19044)
00:00:00 207MB | soft limit for open files changed from 8192 to 2048
00:00:00 207MB |
00:00:01 344MB | [color_manager_ocio] default ocio.config found in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\htoa\htoa-\htoa-\scripts\bin\../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio
00:00:01 344MB | loading plugins from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\htoa\htoa-\htoa-\scripts\bin\..\plugins ...
00:00:01 344MB | alembic_proc.dll: alembic uses Arnold
00:00:01 344MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte uses Arnold
00:00:01 344MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte_filter uses Arnold
00:00:01 344MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte_manifest_driver uses Arnold
00:00:01 344MB | htoa_mandelbulb_proc.dll: mandelbulb uses Arnold
00:00:02 361MB | usd_proc.dll: usd uses Arnold
00:00:02 362MB | loaded 6 plugins from 4 lib(s) in 0:00.10
00:00:02 369MB | [htoa_op] Begin registration ...
00:00:02 381MB | [obj_procedurals] Registering procedurals ...
00:00:02 382MB | [obj_procedurals] procedural registration done.
00:00:02 383MB | [rop_operators] Registering operators ...
00:00:02 383MB | [rop_operators] operator registration done.
00:00:02 433MB | [vop_shaders] Registering shaders ...
00:00:02 437MB | [vop_shaders] shader registration done.
00:00:02 437MB | [vop_imagers] Registering imagers ...
00:00:02 437MB | [vop_imagers] imager registration done.
00:00:02 437MB | [htoa_op] USD shader translation registration
00:00:02 455MB | [htoa_op] End registration.
00:00:02 455MB |
00:00:02 455MB | releasing resources
00:00:02 437MB | Arnold shutdown
opalias: The alias 'gamedev::sop_exoside_quadremesher' has the same name as an existing operator.
Detected Houdini version: (19, 5, 569)
['C:\\ProgramData\\Thinkbox\\Deadline10\\workers\\NZXT\\plugins\\6458e1afcd0958a32e035ccf\\hrender_dl.py', '-f', '1014', '1014', '1', '-o', '$RENDER_PATH/v`padzero(4, chs(../null/v))`/$OS/Seq_01-Shot_01_render_Seq_01-Shot_01_v`padzero(4, chs(../null/v))`_$OS.$F4.exr', '-g', '-d', '/obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility', '-tempdir', 'C:\\ProgramData\\Thinkbox\\Deadline10\\workers\\NZXT\\jobsData\\6458e1afcd0958a32e035ccf\\0_temp6WDLu0', '-arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail', '1', 'G:/Projects/Challenges/pwnisher_Endless_Engines/03_Production/Shots/Seq_01/Shot_01/Scenefiles/fx/Effects/Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.hip']
Start: 1014
End: 1014
Increment: 1
Ignore Inputs: True
Output: $RENDER_PATH/v`padzero(4, chs(../null/v))`/$OS/Seq_01-Shot_01_render_Seq_01-Shot_01_v`padzero(4, chs(../null/v))`_$OS.$F4.exr
Driver: /obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility
Input File: G:/Projects/Challenges/pwnisher_Endless_Engines/03_Production/Shots/Seq_01/Shot_01/Scenefiles/fx/Effects/Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.hip
labs::Sop/filecache::1.0, PythonModule:225: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
labs::Sop/filecache::1.0, PythonModule:445: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
Begin Path Mapping
End Path Mapping
ROP type: ifd
Enabled Alfred style progress
Set verbosity to 3
Rendering frame 1014
00:00:00 223MB | log started Mon May 8 16:26:59 2023
00:00:00 223MB | Arnold [86d9e1ad] windows x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/04/14 08:35:39
00:00:00 223MB | running on NZXT, pid=9208
00:00:00 223MB | 1 x AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (16 cores, 32 logical) with 130981MB
00:00:00 223MB | NVIDIA driver version 531.68 (Optix 60806)
00:00:00 223MB | GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 @ 1815MHz (compute 8.6) with 8191MB (3522MB available) (NVLink:0)
00:00:00 223MB | Windows 10 (version 10.0, build 19044)
00:00:00 223MB | soft limit for open files changed from 8192 to 2048
00:00:00 223MB |
00:00:01 366MB | [color_manager_ocio] default ocio.config found in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\htoa\htoa-\htoa-\scripts\bin\../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio
00:00:01 366MB | loading plugins from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\htoa\htoa-\htoa-\scripts\bin\..\plugins ...
00:00:01 366MB | alembic_proc.dll: alembic uses Arnold
00:00:01 367MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte uses Arnold
00:00:01 367MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte_filter uses Arnold
00:00:01 367MB | cryptomatte.dll: cryptomatte_manifest_driver uses Arnold
00:00:01 367MB | htoa_mandelbulb_proc.dll: mandelbulb uses Arnold
00:00:02 384MB | usd_proc.dll: usd uses Arnold
00:00:02 384MB | loaded 6 plugins from 4 lib(s) in 0:00.10
00:00:02 393MB | [htoa_op] Begin registration ...
00:00:02 404MB | [obj_procedurals] Registering procedurals ...
00:00:02 405MB | [obj_procedurals] procedural registration done.
00:00:02 408MB | [rop_operators] Registering operators ...
00:00:02 408MB | [rop_operators] operator registration done.
00:00:02 429MB | [vop_shaders] Registering shaders ...
00:00:02 433MB | [vop_shaders] shader registration done.
00:00:02 433MB | [vop_imagers] Registering imagers ...
00:00:02 433MB | [vop_imagers] imager registration done.
00:00:02 433MB | [htoa_op] USD shader translation registration
00:00:02 451MB | [htoa_op] End registration.
00:00:02 451MB |
00:00:02 451MB | releasing resources
00:00:02 437MB | Arnold shutdown
opalias: The alias 'gamedev::sop_exoside_quadremesher' has the same name as an existing operator.
[16:27:05] reading geometry from C:/Users/AHMEDH~1/AppData/Local/Temp/houdini_temp/ifds/storage/9208_Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.1014_000_8614.bgeo.sc
[16:27:05] /obj/RENDER_thruster_utility/object_merge1(loading...)
[16:27:05] mantra: No velocity attribute found for motion blur on /obj/RENDER_thruster_utility/object_merge1
[16:27:05] reading geometry from C:/Users/AHMEDH~1/AppData/Local/Temp/houdini_temp/ifds/storage/9208_Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.1014_000_8586.bgeo.sc
[16:27:05] /obj/RENDER_ground/null1(loading...)
[16:27:05] reading geometry from C:/Users/AHMEDH~1/AppData/Local/Temp/houdini_temp/ifds/storage/9208_Seq_01-Shot_01_Effects_v0011.1014_000_8611.bgeo.sc
[16:27:05] /obj/RENDER_Car/object_merge1(loading...)
Error: Caught exception: The attempted operation failed.
Error: Unable to evaluate expression (Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression (/obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility/vm_picture)).
Error: Unable to evaluate expression (Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression (/obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility/vm_picture)).
Could not create output directory G:/Projects/Challenges/pwnisher_Endless_Engines/03_Production/Shots/Seq_01/Shot_01/Renders/3dRender/render_Seq_01-Shot_01/v/mantra_thruster_utility/Seq_01-Shot_01_render_Seq_01-Shot_01_vpadzero(4, chs(../null
Warning: A head-light was automatically added to the scene. If the soho_autoheadlight parameter cannot be found in the Objects tab, add the rendering property to control this behaviour.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\NZXT\plugins\6458e1afcd0958a32e035ccf\hrender_dl.py", line 875, in <module>
rop.render( frameTuple, resolution, ignore_inputs=ignoreInputs )
File "C:\PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/Houdini 19.5.569/houdini/python3.9libs\hou.py", line 74216, in render
return _hou.RopNode_render(self, *args, **kwargs)
hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error: Unable to evaluate expression (Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression (/obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility/vm_picture)).
Error: Unable to evaluate expression (Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression (/obj/ropnet1/mantra_thruster_utility/vm_picture)).
Could not create output directory G:/Projects/Challenges/pwnisher_Endless_Engines/03_Production/Shots/Seq_01/Shot_01/Renders/3dRender/render_Seq_01-Shot_01/v/mantra_thruster_utility/Seq_01-Shot_01_render_Seq_01-Shot_01_vpadzero(4, chs(../null
Warning: A head-light was automatically added to the scene. If the soho_autoheadlight parameter cannot be found in the Objects tab, add the rendering property to control this behaviour.