Deadline Repository install crashes

When configuring the Mongo database it immediately stops responding and there is nothing i can do

OS: windows 10 (have run in compatibility mode for 7)

That’s very odd, are you seeing this behavior consistently? Are you configuring an existing database or doing a fresh install? Do you have write permissions in the location where the db is being installed?

Any time i try it the moment it starts to configure the mongo database it stops responding. This happens with both the fresh install and the existing. I tried this on my computer at work and it worked right away. I also tried older versions of the software as well

Do you get any output from Deadline Command if you try to configure the database manually? The command would be:

deadlinecommand.exe ConfigureDatabase MongoDB dbHostname dbName dbPort 0 false false "" "" "" false 

dbHostname is the host/ipaddress of your machine
dbName is the name of the db (defaults to deadline8db)
dbPort is the port number the db service is unsing (defaults to 27080)