Deadline rez wrapped maya job with submition submition

hello, how could I submit a job with rez, I install rez in my render fram computer, Then I test with those code to submit a job

def get_tool():
    sub = subprocess.check_out("rez-context --tools").decode("utf-8").splitlines()
    tools = [tool.split()[0] for tool in sub[2:]]
    if "rez" not in tools:
    return " ".join(tools).replace(';', ' ')

ext_file = "Z:/Scripts/REZ/rez_deadline_package/projects/A9.rxt"
rez_resolve = "maya-2020 arnold- mayaLegacyRenderLayer artMayaBatchConfig ocio-1.2 mayaAces"
rez_tool = "kick maketx Render maya mayabatch mayapy rez"

render_job_info = {
    "Frames"                    : "{min_frame}-{max_frame}".format(min_frame=1, max_frame=20),
    "BatchName"                 : "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "ChunkSize"                 : 5,
    "OutputDirectory0"          : "Z:\\xxxx",
    "OutputFilename0"           : "camera_name.####.png",
    "OverrideTaskExtraInfoNames": False,
    "Priority"                  : "90",
    "Plugin"                    : "MayaCmd",
    "OnTaskTimeout"             : "Fail",
    "TaskTimeoutSeconds"        : "14400",
    "PostJobScript"             : "",
    "Pool"                      : "test",
    "Group"                     : "maya_2020",
    'EventOptIns': 'Rez',
    "ExtraInfoKeyValue0":"DEADLINE_REZ_REQUEST_PACKAGES={value}".format(value = rez_resolve),
    "ExtraInfoKeyValue1":"DEADLINE_REZ_TOOLS={value}".format(value = get_tool()),

render_plugin_info = {
    "Animation"               : 1,
    "ArnoldVerbose"           : 2,
    "Build"                   : "64bit",
    "CountRenderableCameras"  : 1,
    "EnableOpenColorIO"       : 0,
    "FrameNumberOffset"       : 0,
    "IgnoreError211"          : 0,
    "ImageHeight"             : 1920,
    "ImageWidth"              : 1080,
    "LocalRendering"          : 0,
    "MaxProcessors"           : 0,
    "MayaToArnoldVersion"     : 4,
    "OutputFilePath"          : "Z:\\xxxxx",
    "OutputFilePrefix"        : "<Scene>/<Camera>",
    "ProjectPath"             : "Z:\\zzz",
    "RenderHalfFrames"        : 0,
    "RenderSetupIncludeLights": 1,
    "Renderer"                : "arnold",
    "StrictErrorChecking"     : 0,
    "UseLegacyRenderLayers"   : 0,
    "UsingRenderLayers"       : 0,
    "Version"                 : 2020,
    "SceneFile"               : "Z:\\",


deadline._deadline_connect.Jobs.SubmitJob(render_job_info, render_plugin_info)

then I submit it, but task has some wrong information, said that maya executer was not found,

the maya what opened with rez

is there some steps was wrong?



Sorry for late reply, can you share the screenshot of the error?

Try following step 3 from the rez setup: Rez — Deadline documentation