I’ve used the " Submitter Installer" for Nuke and 3dsMax and it is working, I do not understand why I am having so much problem with Maya. (same error for 2018 and 2017), Using Win 7 on local workstation. I think I’ve followed all instructions from docs.thinkboxsoftware.com …
Here is my error from Maya:
running deadline command: -getrepositoryfilepath submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel
Running submission script "
C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2018/bin>echo off
// Warning: file: C:/Users/Freud/Documents/maya/scripts/DeadlineMayaClient.mel line 132: The SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is set in the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository. //
from whatIs command, the user and DeadlineMayaClient .
userSetup.mel C:/Users/Freud/Documents/maya/scripts/userSetup.mel
from script:
if( startsWith( whatIs DeadlineMayaClient, “Mel procedure found in” ) ){ DeadlineMayaClient(); }else{ warning( “DeadlineMayaClient either has errors or has not been installed.” ); }
Hmm. Well, the Maya bootstrapping script (named “DeadlineMayaClient.mel”) is trying to call deadlinecommand -getrepositoryfilepath to figure out where to find the actual Repository mount.
Rarely, we find that Maya isn’t able to run command line applications…
Just to make sure it’s not a configuration issue, can you try running these two from the command prompt:
system "c:\\progra~1\\Thinkbox\\Deadline10\\bin\\deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot";
Now, I’m expecting both to fail and I have no idea how to fix this. If deadlinecommand throws its own error I should definitely be able to figure that out.
Second line seems to be working:
system “c:\progra~1\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot”;
// Result:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin>echo off
I’m on a roll for testing this stuff. I forgot it should be "e:\\". No need to test that again.
Well, if both are working… Can you see if there’s a file at “E:/ThinkBox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”? It should be, but who knows?!
If it’s not, just re-install the Repository over top of the current one and make sure to use an existing Database.
system “dir e:\”;
system “c:\progra~1\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot”;
// Result:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin>echo off
ok, so both are working together
and yes there is a file … it was the first thing I’ve looked at with the first error.
Along with the Submit png and MayaJigsaw.py
Interesting wrinkle too: We opened “c:\windows\system32\calc.exe” and only got the “echo off” business once it closed.
One guy here suggested looking at userSetup.mel to check and see if it’s setting environment or something odd, but I am thoroughly confused at this point.
We saw the same error when we ran “C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe”, though it only showed when closing the program. I thought that at first myself which is why we tested a non-Deadline application.