Hi there, sorry if my language are not clear cuz I’,m Thai people
I have installed deadline to my render node without monitor input using centos 6.8 my issue deadline slave are not start unless I remote desktop connect to those machine or I have to connect monitor to those machine then slave will start correctly, I have sure I set startup application in centos preference already cuz slave can be auto start if I have monitor connected.
I try to remote with ssh protocol and see slave process are running with root user but in deadline monitor not start a job unless I remote with gui or connect a monitor to them.
Try re-installing but choosing to install the Launcher as a daemon/service. This will allow the Launcher to start when the system boots so that it can start the Slave.
Error: [20:38.24] ERROR: fxT_chromaticAberration1: 'fxT_chromaticAberration': unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can't render from that Node.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.AbortLevel& abortLevel) <0x4102a7a0 + 0x00d7f> in <filename unknown>:0
Launcher as a daemon can’t load NUKE_PATH gizmo and python for nuke that I have installed over network. Look like only slave with gui working for NUKE_PATH over network
The event opt-ins made things work? That seems a bit unusual.
The error you sent along seems to be coming from a plugin named Chromatic Abberation. I’m guessing it may have been missing from the machine that threw that error, but that’s just a guess. nukepedia.com/gizmos/filter/ … abberation
FYI. I believe the user mistyped and meant to provide a link to the next section in the provided URL to “environment” in Deadline rendering: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … nvironment
(ie: nothing to do with Event Opt-ins, but rather scroll down to the next section in our docs page there…)
This would make way more sense, as Nuke as an application is dependent on “seeing” a few critical environment variables at render-time, to resolve file paths to 3rd party nuke scripts and plugins, etc.
I would also take this opportunity to mention this page which explains how the “environment” can be controlled further within Deadline to a user’s needs as well: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … nment.html
Configure each of your machines with these env vars permanently.
Use something like our event plugin system to selectively grab some of the submitting machine’s env vars, inject them into the job and the they will get automatically applied down to the render process on the Slave. The event plugin system is automatic once configured.
Use a pipeline/context manager such as FTrack Connect, NIM, Tank (SGTK) or a homebrew system to control your render environment and hook Deadline into it. We have various API hooks to help achieve this in our Scripting API.
What user is running the Deadline Launcher and Slave? Are you using the Deadline feature: “Render Jobs As User”? docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … r-security
If so, that would explain the problem here, as Nuke is launching as a different user account.
I see your bashrc settings for user: “admin”, but is this the user account that Launcher/Slave is running? If not, then it would not be receiving these settings.
Can you send us a full Deadline log report as well, so we can see the Nuke error in context. Thanks.
Error: [ 6:56.24] ERROR: fxT_chromaticAberration1: ‘fxT_chromaticAberration’: unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can’t render from that Node.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.AbortLevel& abortLevel) <0x10c9e0000 + 0x00e57> in :0
Date: 02/24/2017 06:56:26
Frames: 1131-1140
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:06
Job Submit Date: 02/24/2017 06:50:38
Job User: mercury
Average RAM Usage: 5732065280 (34%)
Peak RAM Usage: 5792305152 (34%)
Average CPU Usage: 19%
Peak CPU Usage: 28%
Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 14059
Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 73994
Slave Information
Slave Name: Mercurys-MacBook-Pro
Version: v8.0.12.4 Release (8a0444567)
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.12.3
Machine User: mercury
IP Address:
MAC Address: 78:31:c1:b7:b3:0a
CPU Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 8
CPU Usage: 1%
Memory Usage: 5.3 GB / 16.0 GB (32%)
Free Disk Space: 165.247 GB
Video Card: Intel Iris Pro
fxT_chromaticAberration1 that show on error log is an gizmo from my NUKE_PATH repository plugin and gizmo
I know the problem cuz nuke plugins for deadline can’t read env var that I have set to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/environment.plist
and deadline daemon running with user “mercury”
I believe “~/.MacOSX/environment.plist” is no longer used from Lion onwards or at least, no longer used by windows applications on OS X. So your choice depends on whether you want the env var configurable per user or system wide. For user specific, then I would use “~/.bash_profile” otherwise for machine wide setting, I would use “/etc/launchd.conf”
I should note that .bash_profile works for Deadline since we run things through a login prompt. Normally this cannot be used when running Desktop apps, so the fix is likely only going to affect the command line. Also, it’ll only affect Bash, but who uses anything else? (Mike’ll get the joke ).
Error: [ 1:22.50] ERROR: Cryptomatte10: ‘Cryptomatte’: unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can’t render from that Node.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.AbortLevel& abortLevel) <0x1127cd770 + 0x00e57> in :0
Date: 03/03/2017 01:22:52
Frames: 1171-1180
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:07
Job Submit Date: 03/03/2017 01:09:02
Job User: mercury
Average RAM Usage: 5659332153 (33%)
Peak RAM Usage: 5990752256 (35%)
Average CPU Usage: 47%
Peak CPU Usage: 88%
Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 34199
Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 72762
Slave Information
Slave Name: Mercurys-MacBook-Pro
Version: v8.0.12.4 Release (8a0444567)
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.12.3
Machine User: mercury
IP Address:
MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
CPU Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 8
CPU Usage: 0%
Memory Usage: 4.8 GB / 16.0 GB (30%)
Free Disk Space: 105.492 GB
Video Card: Intel Iris Pro
Cryptomatte gizmo in error log. is work when using gui or cli running app
Considering that environment.plist might be for your user, maybe you need to make sure it’s for the same user that is running the launcher via launchd?
You can check the user account that it’s using by reading /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.thinkboxsoftware.deadlinelauncher.plist. I don’t have one handy, but there should be something similar to this:
So, in my case I’d theoretically copy the environment.plist file into /var/root based on what’s in /etc/passwd:
Mobile-029:LaunchDaemons edwin.amsler$ cat /etc/passwd | grep daemon # <-- Your user should go here
daemon:*:1:1:System Services:/var/root:/usr/bin/false