After copying your Max folder from a good slave to the bad one, you’re actually now getting a different error. In the new error, Max is just crashing, as opposed to getting to the point where it can’t load the lightning plugin. So I would suggest running the 3dsmax installer again so you get back to the lightning.dlx error. Once you get there, you can proceed with the following debugging steps.
First though, I’ll just explain what lightning is briefly. It’s a plugin that Deadline gets 3dsmax to load when it starts up. This plugin facilitates communication between Deadline and the running instance of 3dsmax. This allows Deadline to control how 3dsmax renders the job, and keep it loaded in memory between frames. So to answer your question, yes, it is needed for rendering.
The next debugging step is to see if 3dsmax will load lightning without Deadline in the picture.
First, you need to go to \your\repository\plugins\3dsmax and find the appropriate .dlx file your the version of 3dsmax you want to debug with (in your case, I think this is lightning64Max2010.dlx). Copy that file to a local location on the bad machine. For this example, let’s assume you copied it to c:\temp\lightning. After copying the file, rename it to Lightning.dlx.
Second, you need to configure your 3ds max so that it loads Lightning.dlx on startup. Note that using plugin manager to load the plugin once 3ds max is fully started will not work properly, so you must add it to the plugin.ini. Let’s say 3dsmax is installed to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010. Open plugin.ini in this folder, and in the section entitled [Directories], add this line:
Third, you can now launch 3dsmax.exe. It should load Lightning.dlx, which exposes an interface object called DeadlineUtil. You can check if it’s been loaded by looking at the Plug-in Manager in 3dsmax, which you can access from the Customize menu. You can also confirm it’s been loaded by running the following command in the maxscript listener:
ShowInterface DeadlineUtil
You should see something like this printed out:
Let us know if the plugin has been loaded or not, and we’ll go from there.