I would send a job into deadline ( version 5 ) from Houdini by a python script.
Can it be possible to hide the Deadline Submission window and then the ‘succes page’ too.
You know Just to be in a ‘quet’ mode.
I think your best option is using the manual submission process outlined at docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … o-deadline which will allow you to build your own submission script and use it to submit to Deadline silently like you are asking for. I know we have more options in Deadline 6 and further, but this should be enough to get it working for you.
Thanks, I’ll have try.
A question. If the submisson script uses the same ‘Deadline Command’ to submit the job.
Can thoose lines be commented in the submissoon script to avoid calling the property pages ?
Indeed the UI can be commented out! You’ll have to make sure those parts aren’t referenced any longer further down in the submitter.
Also, if you don’t care about the output from a submission, you can use ‘deadlinecommandbg’ which writes its output to a text file.
Sadly i did not find any sollution for the problem i changed the main line to:
stdout = os.popen( "j:/DLR5/bin/Windows/deadlinecommandbg.exe ExecuteScript " + scriptLoc + “/HoudiniSubmission.py” )
but it still opens the dialog and later it shows the submisssion results too. And I run trough the options page and I did not find any
option to be ‘quiet’. I use Deadline 5.0.
Am I doing wrong sg?
So, one part of this is you should probably use the ‘subprocess’ module, but that might be our fault (haven’t checked the code yet).
docs.python.org/2/library/subpr … subprocess
Where is the ‘stdout’ that is returning used? If it’s showing the submission results, it’ll be because that ‘stdout’ variable is being used and creates a dialog.
If you can’t figure it out, just let me know. I try to challenge people a little bit, but we’re here to help however we can.