Deadline submits 2 jobs to 1 system

I have an odd problem. Deadline has started submitting 2 jobs to one system on my network. Normally it just submits 1 job per machine, but for this one in particular it sends 2. When I check the task manager on that machine, it shows only 1 copy of XSIBatch is running - but Deadline reports 2.

Any ideas? This happens with every scene I submit.

This is using XSI 6.5 - scenes are being submitted from the Deadline Monitor, not from within XSI.

EDIT: Also, it appears as though this machine is pulling 2 Deadline licenses from the license server.


It sounds like you have two instances of the slave running (that would

explain the machine pulling 2 licenses). Normally, this isn’t possible

because the slave checks if other instances are running before it starts

up, but it may be possible that a thread from a previous instance didn’t

shutdown cleanly. Have you checked task manager to see if this is the case?

Also, have you tried rebooting this particular machine? That should

“reset” everything.


Task manager shows 1 instance of DeadlineSlave running and 1 instance of XSIBatch running. I’ve completely shut the machine down and restarted it. When I started the render, it immediately took 2 render tasks.

That’s really odd… the only other thing I can think of is that

concurrent tasks is enabled for the job, but I doubt that’s the case

because the submission script for XSI doesn’t set that setting on


Has anything changed on your network recently? Also, what is the

indication that the slave is rendering two tasks at the same time? Is

the Monitor showing this, or does the actual slave machine show this in

some way? I’m just trying to get a better understanding of the situation.


The monitor shows the machine rendering 2 different tasks.

The scene is taking at least 2X longer than it should on that particular machine. However, when I check the task manager, it’s running at about 50%.

I tried switching the Concurrent Task Limit Override to 1 and resubmitting the scene. Then it only renders 1x on that machine, but the task manager shows the process only taking 25% of the CPU.

I haven’t touched anything in weeks with this configuration other than enabling satellite rendering on my workstation - but it is not using the machine that’s causing the problems.

I can try re-installing I suppose.
