Deadline Submitter strange bug & behavior


Found another bit of strangeness that I can’t track down / don’t know where to look.

A student was submitting a Maya job via the in-Maya submitter and had the “Submit Maya Scene” checkbox marked. He had apparently been doing this for awhile, even though I never told anyone to do that. So… its been working fine up till now. Tonight, he tried submitting and it kept giving him the error “Disk is full” and the job was not submitted to render.

After unchecking the box, the job submitted normally.

So… where is this full disk? My repository drive has 10.8GB used out of 1.8TB so it is assuredly not full. Where in the repository config is this set so I can clear out the old files? I don’t have any other repositories online ( I had one running as a VM some time in October but it has been turned off since then) Is this transactional data stored in a log file?

Hey Rhagen,

Could you check your Auxiliary File options in the Repository Options? If that’s set, I’d check what the storage looks like there (what if you copy the scene file manually there? Any issues?).

From my understanding, on submission the auxiliary files (in this case, the submitted scene file) get uploaded to either the Repository/jobs folder UNLESS that option in the repository is configured. As far as I know, there isn’t an intermediate location before it reaches either of those.

If that doesn’t help, could you grab the full error for us (log/screenshot)? Should make it easier to track this down.

Let me know if you find anything.
