Deadline3.0 - Fusion jobstart problem

Running Fusion disappears when renderslave starts a Fusion job.
We have a dedicated renderfarm with Fusion renderSlaves on that machines.
But sometimes it happens that we run our workstations as slaves also (you know what deadline means :wink: )
The path for render executable is the following:

D:\eyeon\Render Slave 5.3\ConsoleSlave.exe; D:\eyeon\Fusion 5.3\Fusion.exe

With 3.0 we have an issue if I work on my workstation with Fusion and someone submit a Fusion job in deadline, my running Fusion just disappears and a new one starts to render the submitted Fusion task by deadline slave.
With 2.7 this wasn’t an issue (while I was working slave starts a new Fusion task) also the Fusion plugin prefs looked different. If I remember right there was an “use existing Fusion” switch or something with different versioning of Fusion. Now it’s gone and in 3.0 there is a smimplyfied plugin preference for Fusion.

Question is can we do anything with this issue?

Thanks in advance,
Attila Sziklai
Focus Fox

Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that can be done about this. Multiple instances of Fusion can’t be running at the same time when rendering due to the way the eyeonscript process communicates with the fusion process. We’ve removed the option to use existing instances of Fusion because we found the feature to only work properly about 50% of the time, and it caused more problems than it solved.

The only potential workaround would be to use command line rendering (it’s an option in the submission dialog). It disables options like proxy, high quality, and output checking, and it doesn’t keep the comp loaded in memory between frames. However, because it performs rendering using Fusion’s command line renderer, I would imagine it would be possible to run this on a machine that has Fusion already running on it (without closing the existing instance).


Thanks Ryan,
That was the problem. The command line render option was in the plugin preferences in DL2.7 right?

Right - we decided to move it out so that it was a per-job option, instead of a global plugin option.


  • Ryan