Deadline3.0 - Maya render layer problem


We’ve just installed the new version and are testing it.
When we submit a job with “submit render layers as separate jobs” it creates double folders for each render layer as output path (ie: images/layer1/layer1/pic####.iff)

The problem is solved so if anyone cares here is the solution…

The source of the problem might be that we don’t have renderMan and in the submitToDeadline.mel here are these commands at line 653:

// Renderman doesn't output the default render layer to it's own directory if ( !( $renderer == "renderMan" && $currentRenderLayer == "defaultRenderLayer") ) $outputFilePath = $outputFilePath + "/" + $currentRenderLayer;
If you comment these lines out, that should do the trick (at least it works for us) and the output path is correct this way.

Ryan: could you take care of this issue please in future releases?

Attila Sziklai
Focus Fox

Thanks for the info. That little tidbit of code was meant to only modify the path that is submitted with the job so that when you right-click on a job in the Monitor and select Explore Output, the path would be correct. However, that same path was then being passed with the plugin options, which tells Maya where the output would be sent (and thus adds on the extra render layer in the path).

This will be fixed in the upcoming maintenance release.


  • Ryan

Actually, nevermind. This block of code appears to be completely useless. :slight_smile:

We’ll have it commented out for the next release.

You’re welcome.
I didn’t think I will found the right solution accidentally.
Thanks for the comment anyway.