If you have both deadline8 and deadline10 running, initiating an /etc/init.d/deadline8launcher restart, it shuts down the deadline10 launcher for some reason…
Mmm… This is kind of unlikely, but can you check the contents of “deadline8launcher”?
We set an envrionment variable to call deadlinelauncher -shutdownall
stop () {
# Note 'deadlinelaunche' is NOT a typo -- max proc name is 15 chars on linux.
if pgrep 'deadlinelaunche' >/dev/null; then
log_event "Requesting shutdown of the ${LONGNAME}..." true
# Try shutting down the Deadline Launcher gracefully first, then kill if necessary.
if [ -x "${DEADLINEBIN}/deadlinelauncher" ]; then
"${DEADLINEBIN}/deadlinelauncher" -shutdownall >> "${LOGFILE}"
sleep 1
elif ! service_is_running; then
log_event "The ${LONGNAME} is not currently running." true
return 0
if service_is_running; then
log_event "Failed to shut down the ${LONGNAME} nicely, forcing exit..." true
kill -KILL $PID
if ! service_is_running; then
# Alright, it should actually be dead now, clean up files.
rm -f "${PIDFILE}"
log_event "Failed to stop the ${LONGNAME}." true
return 1
log_event "The ${LONGNAME} has been stopped." true
return 0
My best guess at the moment is that maybe it’s either symlinked to the one in 10, or it’s been modified. If that’s not the case, then it’s going to be down to the protocol that’s being used for “shutdownall”.