Deadlinemonitor Aborted (core dumped) --FIXED

Hello, I am isntalling an updated linux kernel via Rocky Linux 9.1 and when running ./deadlinemonitor I got a Time to initialize 84ms and Aborted (core dumped)

I am running the latest as far as I know,

I fixed it following @zainali fix there: Custom Deadline Events not executing - #6 by zavinator

But I think you got the symlink creation reversed.
Should be
ln -s /opt/ location /usr/lib64/

Instead of
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /opt/

Cheers !

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I have not tested it myself on Rocky ever so I can’t say for sure if it works or not. It is not in the list of supported OSs though.

Are you able to start any other UI app like Worker/Pulse?

To troubleshoot try below:

dnf install gdb
gdb --args deadlinemonitor

Share the output, I’m curious why is it breaking.

let me run it and I will paste the result
How exactly do you run the argument ? It gives me an error