2 Errors in 1 day? Unpossible!!!
Version of Deadline: Deadline 5 RC1
Submission OS: OSX 10.5.8
Rendering client OS: Windows XP 64
Rendering Application: AE CS5
Reproduce: This problem hasn’t yet been fully realized but it should be easy for you (or anyone) to test out and confirm. We currently have Nuke rendering from OSX over to a Windows XP64 farm and just the Deadline repathing works like a charm. However when we submit an AE job that uses the same pathing (and thus should go through the same replacement) we get some interesting errors. Linked below again.
The maphere is the essentially the remapping, in this case it ALMOST worked properly (there were other issues I have to go back over) but if you notice the slashes…
0: INFO: CheckPathMapping: Swapped "/maphere/maphere/path/path/path/file.dpx" with "\\maphere\maphere\maphere\maphere/path/path/path/file.dpx"
Furthermore, the stuff below also happens… Where we get whole path error returns with the completely original pathing instead of the modified stuff.
0: STDOUT: aerender Error: After Effects error: Unable to Render: File Not Found \path\path\path\path\file.jpg