DeadlineSlave.exe help

Hi is there a help for the command DeadlineSlave.exe?

We are launching Deadline slave from a command line.

When we want to shut down the Deadline Slave through the command line as well, but the only way we found is to kill the process. Unfortunatly this doesn’t kill the Maya job and doesn’t update the task of the job it was rendering.

Is there a command to shut down the slave cleanly?


Hi Sylvain,

DeadlineSlave.exe has no command line options. Adding a “-shutdown” or simply “-s” option though to close the slave should be trivial though, and we’ll add this feature to our wishlist.

Currently, there are two ways to shutdown the slave cleanly:

  1. Exit the slave using the slave gui.

  2. Using the remote control options from the monitor.

    From a scripting point of view, we can see how adding a command line option as well would be useful.

    Kind regards,
  • Ryan


If you could send me the modified command when ready it would be really appreciated.

I kknow I mentioned it before, but adding a scheduler to start/stop slaves would be a great feature.

The best would be to be able to schedule any commands that are in the remote control menu when right clicking a machine in the monitor (start slave, stop slave, restart slave, reboot machine, etc.)

More and more 3d software uses network rendering directly from the UI. MentalRay uses Satellite, Maxwell have a network render, etc.) During the day we want to be able to shutdown slaves so these machines are MentalRay satellite hosts, and suring the nights and week-ends they are rendering the traditional way. A scheduler to start/stop slaves every day would help us greatly.

The deadlineslave.exe command line feature to shutdown the slave will be included in the next release of Deadline.

Including more features through deadlinecommand.exe is on our wishlist, and in the future we would ideally like deadlinecommand.exe to be just as powerful as the monitor.

Kind regards,

  • Ryan