AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadlinewebservice TLS_Auth not working

Here is the following command I am using to run the rest api web service

/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/deadlinewebservice -tls_auth -tls_cacert /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/webservice_certs/ca.crt -tls_cert /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/webservice_certs/my-rcs-server.pfx -tls_port 4434

According to the man page, the -tls_auth should enforce authentication with a client certificate:

-tls_auth : Specify this to indicate that TLS should be used for client authentication; incoming connections will be expected to present a valid x509 certificate. Requires 'tls_cert' to be specified.

However, I am able to connect to the web service without presenting a client certificate. What do I need to do to enforce authentication with a client certificate?

That should work - which version of Deadline are you running, and how are you testing connecting to the web service?

Hey Justin, I’m running Deadline Client Version Release (76d003b0a) on Rocky8. I am testing by connecting with curl -k from a remote Mac. I do not have any of the certs installed on my keychain.

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