AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

deleting jobs error

Something seems to be a bit off with deleting multiple jobs. I have job grouping on.

I select about 250 jobs, hit delete, confirm the dialog. Then nothing gets deleted, but my selection is emptied.

Some related console errors:

2015-02-06 10:27:45: Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-02-06 10:27:45: File “DeadlineUI\UI\Commands\”, line 1252, in InnerExecute
2015-02-06 10:27:45: DocumentException: Failed to Delete one or more Jobs, see application log for details.
2015-02-06 10:27:45: at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoJobStorage.DeleteJobs(String[] jobIDs)
2015-02-06 10:27:45: at Deadline.Controllers.DataController.DeleteJobs(Job[] jobs)
2015-02-06 10:28:05: Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-02-06 10:28:05: File “DeadlineUI\UI\Commands\”, line 1252, in InnerExecute
2015-02-06 10:28:05: DocumentException: Failed to Delete one or more Jobs, see application log for details.
2015-02-06 10:28:05: at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoJobStorage.DeleteJobs(String[] jobIDs)
2015-02-06 10:28:05: at Deadline.Controllers.DataController.DeleteJobs(Job[] jobs)
2015-02-06 10:28:24: Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-02-06 10:28:24: File “DeadlineUI\UI\Commands\”, line 1252, in InnerExecute
2015-02-06 10:28:24: DocumentException: Failed to Delete one or more Jobs, see application log for details.
2015-02-06 10:28:24: at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoJobStorage.DeleteJobs(String[] jobIDs)
2015-02-06 10:28:24: at Deadline.Controllers.DataController.DeleteJobs(Job[] jobs)

After a couple of tries, the jobs got deleted… The logs dont contain enough information to be able to tell what went wrong, other then what i posted.

In order to improve the speed of deletion, we deselect all the jobs first. Then, as they are deleted in the background, the UI should eventually catch up. Note that this can be affected by how often the Monitor updates the jobs in your Performance Settings.

Do you recall if you saw those errors after the first attempt to delete the jobs, or after subsequent attempts? I wonder if maybe you were seeing those errors because of multiple attempts to delete the same job…

Thats hard to tell… its a bit confusing that i hit delete / confirm the dialog, then see the same jobs again there, so i tried again right away, then again, then again, then reported the issue here :slight_smile:

Could jobs that are flagged for deletion be hidden right away?

Maybe show them with a different color?

What happens if i shut down the monitor while its still deleting jobs?

When deleting 5-8k jobs at once, it usually takes upwards to 30-40 minutes. With deadline6, the monitor is locked up while this happens, so i know its still doing something. With deadline7, the monitor becomes interactive right away (which is nice), but it made me wonder what happens to the deletion process if the monitor is shut down…

It would essentially terminate the connection to Mongo, so if the command is in progress, it could be interrupted. Note though that the database command itself is relatively quick, and in version 6, the majority of time was spent simply updating the UI. If you had another Monitor open, the jobs would disappear pretty quick from it, while the Monitor that you deleted the jobs from would be locked up for quite a while.

For Deadline 8, we are working on a “task manager” type of system where you can see which background commands are being processed and what their progress is. If any are still in the queue, we can display a warning when closing the Monitor.


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