DepthBlur build 32543 makes Fusion x64 5.3 build 66 crash!
DepthBlur can’t render as much as one frame.
Other Tools are fine!
Fusion x32 with DepthBlur is fine on same machine.
Please exuse my poor english.
Thank you.
Dual AMD Opteron 2356 - Windows VISTA64 Business
I just got a copy of Fusion 64-bit 5.3 build 66 and the plugin is working. The only difference I can see right away is Vista vs XP. That may have nothing to do with it though.
The best thing to do would be to send any crash dump generated by fusion. The files are normally output to c:, but I’m not sure what they are called (maybe eyeon.dmp). Then I can take a closer look.
I’ll try and find a vista machine to test on but chances are I won’t get that done before Monday.
Hi, Brian.
I use Vista for the first time. I’m sorry I can’t test on XP x64.
I found eyeon.dmp at c:\User<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\ and send you.
Awake is very useful.
Thank you,
eyeon.dmp.zip (114 KB)
Hello Hideki,
It was crashing were I though it would, but I’m still not sure why. I’ll look into it more, but for now I will put up a work-around version of the plugin. It is a bit slower, but it shouldn’t fail. Just put it in “C:\Program Files\Frantic Software\Awake\Plugins.”
I’ll keep looking into this.
DepthBlur.zip (594 KB)
DepthBlur64.zip (414 KB)
Hi Brian!
64bit work-around version works fine!! great!
The problem is not in 32bit Build 32543. So I am not testing 32bit work-around version.
If I can do, I will help you.
Thank you!
It’s good to know that was where the problem is. I have refactored the back-end a bit so if you have a moment could you test this version of the plugin?
DepthBlur64.zip (415 KB)
Hi, Brian!
Next version crashed like build 32543.
Thank you.
eyeon_dmp.zip (122 KB)
Hello Hideki,
That crash dump pointed right to the problem (I hope). I have a new version with the optimizations enabled that should work. Can you try it out for me?
DepthBlur64.zip (415 KB)
Hi, Brian!
It works fine! No crash.
Isthis VISTA’s problem?
Thank you!
No it was code error that only shows up on certain types of hardware. I was doing something wrong which apparently some processors can handle while others crash.
Thanks for all your help testing the plugins!
No problem!
Thank you too!