We are having an issue when we try to network render cloth sims using 3d Studio Max.
Deadline keeps returning an error saying that a dialog has popped up on the slave machine. This dialog is the simulation dialog for cloth within Max.
I am looking for a way to suppress the dialog itself but barring that the only other option is to have Deadline ignore the dialog issue.
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.
Hey Paul,
Can you post the error message that Deadline is returning? It should contain a dump of the dialog, which we should be able to use to create a popup handler rule for it.
here is what we have…
0: WARNING: Detected popup dialog "Cloth".
0: WARNING: ---- dump of dialog ----
0: WARNING: Button: Cancel
0: WARNING: msctls_progress32: Progress1
0: WARNING: Static: Current Frame:
0: WARNING: Static: 0/ 30
0: WARNING: Static: Elapsed Time:
0: WARNING: Static: Av. Frame Time:
0: WARNING: Static: Est. time remaining:
0: WARNING: Static: 0:00:00.391
0: WARNING: Static: 0.39s
0: WARNING: Static: 0:00:11.730
0: WARNING: Static: Last Frame Time:
0: WARNING: Static: 0.00s
0: WARNING: Static: Current step size (dT):
0: WARNING: Static: 0.002500s
0: WARNING: Button: Message
0: WARNING: Edit:
0: WARNING: Button: Close on finish
0: WARNING: Edit:
0: WARNING: ---- end dump of dialog ----
Let me know if there is more that you need. If this gets fixed when/how can we get an update?
Thanks! First, we’ll try ignoring the popup, since odds are it’s not halting the simulation process. If you open the file \your\repository\plugins\3dsmax\3dsmax.py, you should see a section in a function called InitializeProcess( … ) with a bunch of these:
self.AddPopupHandler( ... )
self.AddPopupIgnorer( ... )
If you do a text search for AddPopupIgnorer, it should bring you to it right away. Then along with the other popup ignorers, add this new line:
self.AddPopupIgnorer( "Cloth" )
Save the file, and you should be good to go. Let us know if this helps, and we’ll be sure to include it in the next release.