I’m just wondering what the differences between the 3dsMax and 3dsCmd submitters are, we seem to be experiencing some weird anomalies on some of our render jobs where a submission through the 3dsMax submitter fails but the exact same file rendered through the 3dsCmd submitter goes through fine! Is there additional processing going on for 3dsMax Plugin? And can I submit 3dsCmd jobs to deadline through Maxscript in the same way as 3dsMax jobs?
Hi Nick,
The 3dsmax plugin uses the max SDK to hook directly into max. This gives us far more control over the rendering process, and allows us to support more advanced things like maxscript jobs.
The 3dsCommand plugin just uses 3dsmaxcmd.exe to do the rendering. So Deadline can only expose the command line options that it supports. That means no maxscript jobs. 
If you want to go into detail about the anomalies you’re seeing, we can try to help solve them.
There are a couple of issues we’ve been having:
Chaos Phoenix - Something we’ve previously discussed is that Vray’s Phoenix plugin will not render on our windows 7 machines using the 3dsMax plugin but works fine on XP. However, the exact same job renders fine locally on windows 7 and with the 3dsCmd plugin on both XP and 7.
This issue has now appeared with a rigged object when using Mental Ray:
- Renders fine locally
- Renders fine through 3dsCmd (xp & 7)
- Renders fine in VRay with 3dsMax (xp & 7)
- Renders fine on xp with 3dsMax
- Errors continuously on 7 with 3dsMax
Now I don’t know whether this is a Studio Max problem or a something in the 3dsMax plugin but it seems that the shots always crash when they’re trying to ‘Translate Scene’.
Any ideas on what might cause it would be great, I can send you a file that crashes it you need more info…
If you can post an error report from the job that shows the crash, as well as a scene to reproduce, that would be great!
I’ve submitted a support ticket with maxfile, successfull log from xp machine and error message from windows 7.
Thanks! We’ll run a test and report back.