We recently had to restart out deadline repository machine, but since the restart all our render nodes that are using direct connection no longer write job logs to /opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/reports/
As a temp fix we’ve switched them back to RCS and the logs are being saved and are accessible via deadline monitor.
You can connect to the worker log (Ctrl+L) to see the live log but as soon as you try to view a completed tasks log you get this error message:
Error: Could not find report log: /mounts/deadline/reports/jobs/e9/5/66aa8bcdcd15d332272cfe95/66aa946b2b6a0e1ad472a7a5.bz2
We don’t get any error saying that the log file couldn’t be saved or permission denied, even with worker verbose logging. All we see is this 2024-07-31 15:45:28: 0: Saving task log...
Is there anyway we can configure deadline to give us more information on writing these log files.
The direct connection has been working well for months it’s just since the restart of the deadline server that all of a sudden they won’t save logs. Nothings changed in our configuration of the farm and the nodes. Permissions were also kept the same.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.