deadline have support directory for jobs in queues, for more "visibility " ???
deadline have support directory for jobs in queues, for more "visibility "
Hi Kermit,
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you are looking for.
Are you asking for more information in the Monitor, or are you looking to
somehow change the organization of the repository?
sorry for my bad english
directory in monitor
Hi Kermit,
What you could probably do is use specifiec job naming conventions, and
then sort your jobs in the monitor based on their names.
So for one set of jobs, name them:
There is also a job search tool in the latest version (1.2.15710) which
allows you to only display jobs that contain specific test.
Perhaps one of these alternatives might work for you.
- Ryan
Hi, I had a similar idea and I was trying to figure out a good way to suggest an implementation method.
Here is the idea:
There could be a new “SHOWS” system, where jobs could be attached to a show. the “show” group could be another priority layer above the pools and the job priority. You could start/stop/delete all jobs in a “show”. In the monitor your could maximize/minimise a “show” group (mush like the tre view in windows explorer for example)
Example. We are working on 2 tv commercial project. We are rendering many types of jobs. Maya, shake, xsi, etc.
The “show” group would let me control that all the jobs in the first show be renderer in first priority. I could easily pause all the job the 2nd show if an emmergency append where I need all my render farm to re-render many jobs of the 1st show.
I hope this make sense. I think it would be a good feature to have. I really have no idea how to implement that in the software though, how it would affect the current software design and all that.
Anyway, here is the idea…
Sylvain Berger