Disabled normal map warning

I disabled the warning that tells me I don’t have a normal map in the bump slot in mental ray.

Will this pass through to backburner - as the file I am working on will now not render in backburner!

Bermuda and Mental ray seem to not want to work well together. There was also that other report saying that Bermuda did not work when using Mental ray + network rendering.

What is happening? Does it render a flat mesh, instead of a displaced wave mesh?

I will look at this today.

I have updated the network rendering code, and posted a new build in the builds section. You should no longer have issues when network rendering using mental ray. All network rendering should work fine now.

Hey Conrad, thanks for getting back to me on this, unfortunately after having installed the new build I still get no joy on the backburner

2012/08/17 14:43:27 INF Adapter returned unexpected code -2 for “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\maxadapter.adp.exe” “-o” “LaunchApp” “-l” “Info” “-j” “C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\backburner\ServerJob\stratos bermuda scene NY.xml.details” “-a” “C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\backburner\ServerJob\stratos bermuda scene NY.zip”
2012/08/17 14:43:27 ERR Application load error: 3dsmax adapter error : 3dsmax.exe process no response.

2012/08/17 14:43:27 ERR 3dsmax adapter error : 3dsmax.exe process no response.

2012/08/17 14:43:57 ERR Application unload timeout (0 minutes)
2012/08/17 14:44:08 INF Adapter returned unexpected code -2 for “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\maxadapter.adp.exe” “-o” “ShutDown” “-l” “Info”
2012/08/17 14:44:08 ERR Unknown Error

Does this error only happen when submitting a scene to backburner that have Bermuda objects?
Or does it only happen when submitting scenes that have Bermuda objects and are also set to mental ray as the renderer?
Or does it always happen when submitting a scene to backburner when the Bermuda plugin is installed?

Here’s the scene file - does it work for you - to network render?

I can network render from the machine I submitted it from renders, but not my other machine.

You may have to relink some paths etc.


Ok, still not quite sure what’s causing this. But I will be able to narrow it down a lot if you follow these steps. Please follow these three steps:

  1. Try rendering this scene file using backburner. Does it fail (Y/N)?:
    [attachment=1]stratos bermuda scene NY_DEBUGTEST1.zip[/attachment]

  2. Try rendering this scene file using backburner. Does it fail (Y/N)?:
    [attachment=0]stratos bermuda scene NY_DEBUGTEST2.zip[/attachment]

  3. Confirm that your network-render machines have these two files:
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\mentalimages\shaders_autoload\mentalray\shaders\Bermuda.dll
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\mentalimages\shaders_autoload\mentalray\include\Bermuda.mi

In reverse order:

  1. No they didn’t - I searched for them in the program files x86 and copied the appropriate file to the appropriate machine.

BUT - the good news is, the scene I had in progress now renders on the other machine (I manually assigned it in backburner and it’s doing it as we speak - so awesome!

2 and 1) Neither of those scenes would fly off past network render submission “unable to compress scene” - which is a problem I’ve never seen before.

Perhaps the issue lies with the installer?

Thanks for the response though - getting that sumbitch rendering on both machines is a huge weight off my mind! :laughing: