I recently did a fresh machine install and upgraded everything to it’s latest version.
When I now submit a job I get a “Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!” message when I add my workstation as the one and only slave (other slaves still have AE 2014) and there’s nothing that starts rendering.
I’m simply rendering out a .jpg sequence to a local drive
am I missing some change to the workflow?
Job reports also don’t tell my anything.
I did check the plugin configuration etc.
That warning is from the Qt side and is just a warning that it’s not sure if it’ll run alright. I’ll have to test on my Win10 machine, but it should be a harmless warning (that’s difficult to fix).
As far not rendering, nothing should have changed workflow-wise. Did you actually get job reports? That should mean at least that the Deadline side is working fine and something’s up inside AE. Feel free to attach one of them over here and I’ll take a look.
If the Slave you want to render on does not appear on the list when the “Job Candidate Filter” icon is checked, it means the job has some property that prevents it from rendering on that specific Slave. This could be a Whilelist / Blacklist issue, a Pool assignment problem, a Limit problem, or something else similar. Try to make sure the new Slave is assigned the Pool that the job is set to. If you meant to set a Whitelist to the new Slave when submitting, make sure it is actually the Whitelist and not Blacklist
I had double checked the correct white/blacklisting from AE before so actually didn’t check it in the monitor again.
Turns out that message in AE about the untested windows had messed up the slaves name.
When submitting the correct names slave in AE there is a message added in the slavelist.
I had expected this was just a warning and could be ignored.
But after submitting the job while the message is still in the MachineList it doesn’t add the actual slave name to job, but warningname+slavename.
see attached images for how it was submitted in AE and how it ended up in deadline.
The solution is to remove the warningmessage in front of the slave list before submitting the job.
Maybe an idea to remove the QT warning message or make it a popup or something?
I just noticed the QT message is also added to the first selected dependencies within the AE submit dialogue (which renders that dependency as unknown)
It’ll likely show up in any dialogs that we have to pop-up inside AE or any other apps. It’s showing the seams a little, but we’re actually calling DeadlineCommand to show those bits and returning results by reading the standard output from those calls. I found a way to filter messages within Qt apps and have handed it of to the core team.