When submitting a Fusion job from the Monitor with “Use Frame List In Comp” option check I get this error.
Submitting with the checkbox unchecked works fine but then you have to manually check the frame range for each comp, kind of annoying.
When submitting a Fusion job from the Monitor with “Use Frame List In Comp” option check I get this error.
Submitting with the checkbox unchecked works fine but then you have to manually check the frame range for each comp, kind of annoying.
Which version of Fusion? Possibly a syntax issue in the Fusion comp…
Sorry, been a long day. Version 9 I presume. Have you recently updated? Wouldn’t surprise me if the syntax has changed.
You should be able to open the comp file in a text editor (it’s ascii I believe), search for the ‘Frames’ line and find the entry. If you have a Fusion 7/8 file handy do the same and compare the syntax.
This sounds like we’re having parsing problems. I don’t happen to have Fusion installed at the moment. Could you provide a sample scene here?
Yeah, I’m using version 9.
So I did some tests and it is definitely a parsing issue with the version 9 comp file. I opened the same file in v7 and saved it, and now it submits fine with the checkbox checked, open it in v9 and save it and I get the error. Here are the files.
TEMP.zip (3.79 KB)
Okay! I’ve passed it to the development team to take a look at. Thanks for all the info there. I’ll adjust the title so more people can find this problem.
Looks like this problem still persists in the latest version
Thanks for the push there! I’ll bump it here. Since it’s a bug in a convenience feature a few other things took priority.