Just upgraded to the latest version 10.7
Submitted a maintenance command line job to run a batch file but the job just sits there not being picked up by any of the slaves. It says queued but nothing happens, no other jobs are rendering. Other jobs (3ds max) seem to go through. Is this some kind of new security feature.
Edit: Just installed a copy of deadline at home on a single machine and tried to run a simple command line job with a batch file and the same result. I know there were some default security features introduced in 10, like Remote Administration is off by default, but I can’t seem to find that option for command line jobs.
You’re already half way there! Here’s the documentation for the command line plugin.
Here’s what it says:
Assuming you have the privileges, you just need to enable the plugin in ‘Tools’ > ‘Configure Plugins’ > ‘CommandLine’ and select the ‘Enabled’ checkbox at the bottom.