DL3.1,Linux nuke tinders plugin support?

Hi All,
I’m running deadline 3.1 on a linux nuke farm, i have a flexlm licence server dishing out 10 nuke r/i & 10 tinders licences(i know it all works locally on a box), however jobs with tinders fail on deadline with errors like this:
OFXuk.co.thefoundry.tinder.t_diffusionfilter_v103:Unknown command

the actual path on he render box is: /usr/OFX/Nuke/Tinder_1.3_Nuke/T_DiffusionFilter.ofx.bundle/Contents/Linux-x86-64/T_DiffusionFilter.ofx
(as per the manual, and all workstations:)

the interesting thing is that I was having Keylight issues but that particular error was looking for an object in a specific place, symlinking resolved the error.

Has anyone come across/solved this issue?

I am new to deadline/nuke (ex Qube/houdini/shake admin) so don’t know which particular piece of the puzzle is broken.



Hi Chris,

Deadline renders Nuke jobs by simply creating a command line and executing it, so it shouldn’t be messing around with how tinder is loaded or licensed. One thing you can try is to open up a terminal on one of your farm machines and execute the same command line that Deadline is using. You can find the executable and command line arguments in one of the render logs for the job, which can be found by right-clicking on it in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports -> View Log Reports.

The command will probably look something like this:

/usr/local/Nuke5.1v2/Nuke5.1 -V -t “/path/to/NukeFile.nk”

Just make sure that the Nuke file you’re trying to render is copied to the farm machine first, and then point the path to it in the command line. If you get the same error, then at least you know that it’s not Deadline related. Let us know the results, and we can go from there.


  • Ryan

thnx for quick response, i seem to have a no. of issues.

  1. through Nuke submission menu item.
    on 64 bit linux submitting file authored on 32bit mac
    submit to render produces this error:

can not find channel named “file19”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: can not find channel named “file19”

this can also happen with a quick comp I have authored as well.

this same file will render when rendered locally on a farm machine using -x (not -t, this dumps me out to a python prompt)

  1. same script on 64bit Ubunut 9.04 host, mono2.4, submitting through jobmonitor, just hangs ‘queued’ no progress and no errors to say what’s going on.
    I can see from watching the licence server that nuke isn’t even being called.

Occasionally I also get this error:
Could not set X locale modifiers
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: Could not set X locale modifiers

but reloading nuke or sometimes just resubmitting to deadline will stop this error

add to above post!!
woops didn’t mean to sign off like that :slight_smile:
thnx again for any help

i have uploaded the file in question

Test_RF_tinder_WHEEL_v01.nk.zip (5.05 KB)

:blush: Sorry, I meant to say -x. We’re using -t in our internal working version, which allows us to keep the Nuke file loaded in memory between tasks to reduce startup overhead.

That’s strange that it works from the terminal, but not through Deadline, since all Deadline is doing is a command line render. I opened the Nuke script here, but of course got these errors:

OFXuk.co.thefoundry.tinder.t_distorto_v103: Unknown command OFXuk.co.thefoundry.tinder.t_rays_v103: Unknown command OFXuk.co.thefoundry.tinder.t_rays_v103 : Unknown command OFXuk.co.thefoundry.tinder.t_rays_v103 : Unknown command

So it would seem that the error in your first post was related to the tinder plugin not loading properly. Unfortunately, because we don’t have this plugin, it’s makes it difficult to use it for testing. Do you only have problems when using the tinder plugin? Do you have any luck rendering a Nuke file that just has a loader and a saver?

With those errors you’re getting, can you perhaps post a full slave log that contains those errors? That might help put them into better context. You can get to the logs folder from the Slave by selecting Help → Explore Log Folder.

If a job is just sitting queued and not generating errors, it’s likely that the slaves simply aren’t picking up the job. Check to make sure that you haven’t submitted to a pool or group that the slaves aren’t assigned to. Also, if you are using a machine list to specify specific machines to render on, make sure to uncheck the Machine List is a Blacklist option, otherwise the job will never render on the specified machines. On the flip side, make sure you’re not submitting with an empty whitelist. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan


ok so command line rendering works on the clients. I restarted my machine in frustration and went for a walk, when i came back i could submit jobs from my machine and they worked on the renderfarm fine. any ideas on that one!! :slight_smile:

so it seems that tinders plugins are called correctly now. I have no idea why restarting (my jobmonitor machine only) would change anything. Ho Hum.

So the final pressing issue is this error:

  1. through Nuke submission menu item.
    on 64 bit linux submitting file authored on 32bit mac
    submit to render produces this error:

can not find channel named “file19”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: can not find channel named “file19”

Now i know that Nuke creates and stores internal file/channel descriptors even if a node is deleted or not used. Ordinarily these are ‘cleaned’ by closing and re-opening the file. So using the same file i sent you earlier

This error occurs like this

  1. open file in nuke on 64bit ubuntu, 64bit Nuke
  2. pre-flight check* and test render using nuke render button - all good
    3a. test with nukes ‘render’ button - all good
    3b. use ‘Submit to deadline’ menu item.
  3. error returned:

Could not set X locale modifiers
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: Could not set X locale modifiers

  1. repeat step 3. - Submission dialog opens up
  2. pre-flight check*, hit OK
  3. error returned:
    can not find channel named “file19”
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 1, in
    RuntimeError: can not find channel named “file19”

I know this is a python error and I am cross posting this on a Nuke dev forum to find out what this might be as there is no reference to ‘file19’ in the nuke script itself.
So don’t know that this is a deadline bug as such and I will let you know any information I get from the nuke dev list concerning this.

Additional info that might be of interest:
CPU0: Intel® Xeon™ CPU 3.20GHz stepping 04

Ubuntu 9.04
mono -V output:

Mono JIT compiler version 2.4 (tarball Fri Jun 19 14:32:44 EST 2009)
Copyright © 2002-2008 Novell, Inc and Contributors. mono-project.com
TLS: __thread
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC)
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none

Once again thankyou for your time.

pre-flight check* = make sure correct groups, pools, nuke type etc

edit testing on mac os X 10.5, nuke5.1v3 & Nuke51.V6 also produces the following bug
when i run the script editor in python echo mode it tells me that it’s Nuke.tcl() and
what it can’t find is really /var/tmp/nuke-u503

this is a symlink to the users /private//var/tmp/nuke-u503

nuke is storing it’s temp channels in hex format from the looks of things so it looks like file 19 would be /private/var/tmp/nuke-u503/13 i suppose

So from within nuke it works but when submittodeadline is looking it can’t find the tmp reference objects. I have tried opening up the permissions on the directory to 777 but don’t have much time to test till tomorrow (your evening i think). Any ideas?


Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, Ryan’s out to Siggraph this week – but the rest of us should hopefully be able to help you out :slight_smile:

I’ll try to reproduce this new error on our end with the file you provided, and I’ll get back to you when I have more. Hopefully we’ll actually be able to get this error to occur, now that it’s no longer a plugin-specific one.


  • Jon

Sorry, but just to confirm, does this still only occur for Nuke projects using the Tinder plugin? Or is it a global problem to Nuke renders?

this is for all submissions on my linux setup and the macs. the mono for the macs is from the Novel package download site.
I know that on the mac it’s 32bit nuke, almost definitely 32bit python.
My system is 64bit all the way -mono -python -nuke. I don’t know if my 64bit version of nuke has a 64bit python or not.

The only thing I haven’t tried is submitting through the submission script locally on a render node- this is a problem as they don’t really have graphics capability.


FYI. Just in case this helps…
The supplied Nuke script .nk by chris_omni opens fine in both x86 & x64, Nuke v5.1r5/r6 under Windows XPx64.
I also have the extra Tinder plugin and this is fine as well.

Hey Chris,

Just to confirm so that we’re on the same page, this is a problem you’re getting on submission, yes? That is, the job never actually gets submitted? If so, how is your submission script set up on your Mac/Linux boxes? I’m asking, because I’m actually having a bit of trouble with the submission script on the Macs myself, and just want to make sure I’m running into the same issues you are.


  • Jon

@Mike: Thanks for confirming this for us!

thnx for the feedback, that saves me some work further down the track:)



keylight issue now resolved - required me to at least open the application on each slave to ‘register’ the plugin, there may well be a nuke command line flag for this.

linux can submit through deadlinemonitor - but not through nuke interface
mac x can’t get past [ok] on deadlinemonitor, fails with error can’t find variable:fileid

Linux - if you start deadlinemonitor from a root shell can’t submit jobs, works if normal user - confusing till you work it out:)

detail- on linux

  1. the submission dialog box opens.
  2. make adjustments
    3 [submit]
  3. error returned:
    can not find channel named “file19”
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 1, in
    RuntimeError: can not find channel named “file19”

Below is the output in the script editor

nuke.tcl( “SubmitToDeadline” )
Could not set X locale modifiers
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: Could not set X locale modifiers
nuke.tcl( “SubmitToDeadline” )
can not find channel named “file19”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
RuntimeError: can not find channel named “file19”

I should point out that the error ‘could not set x locales’ is intermittent, sometimes i won’t see it in a day, then it will occur 3 times in a row, therefore I don’t know how relevent it is. - if i was seeing this every time then I would start looking at the UTF encodong rules for python/mono/tcl/nuke but as it isn’t reproducible on demand I am inclined to think that may be a red herring.

I (think i said in an earlier post) that on a mac the error tells you it can’t find the /var/tmp/nuke-u503 files. These are stored in directories with Hex addresses.

I am using the standard ‘Submit to nuke’ from the client setup folder in the repository and have added the entry in menu.py as per the deadline web page instructions.

Hmm lots of stuff there, see how we go.

thnx again

So update on this from my end – I’ve been able to reproduce the error you’re getting on Linux submission on a Ubuntu VM. This seems like a bug, and I will have to sort this out and try to fix it :slight_smile:.

As for the submission from the OSX Monitor, I was able to do this without a hitch. It might be an issue that was already fixed in our internal version, but one thing for you to try would be to double check the permissions on your Deadline client install folder (particularly, the [Deadline path]/Resources/temp folder), and make sure those are 777 as well.

I also wasn’t able to reproduce the root shell issue you mentioned – I fired up a root bash console on Ubuntu and started the monitor from there. Was able to submit fine from there, so I’m not sure what the issue could have been.

I’ve fixed the Nuke submission script so that it should be working properly for Linux now. Just extract the attached Zip file to the [Repo Directory]/submission/Nuke folder (after making a backup of the contents, just in case), and you should be good from the Linux submission side of things.
SubmitNukeToDeadline.zip (4.34 KB)

preliminary testing is looking good, also dig the ‘submit write nodes as separate job’ very handy:)

As for the mac’s i ran around yesterday trying them all and found one that actually printed an error to the screen when you try to submit a job through the deadlinemonitor:

“An exception occured in the event handler for SubmitButton
Access to the path ‘/Application/Deadline/Resources/temp/nuke_job_info.job’ is denied (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)”

I did of course check permissions but to no avail.

thnx again for the effort with linux it has really helped.


That’s interesting. That error definitely is a permissions-related error. Maybe it’s unrelated to the issue you’re having on all the others though. I’ve attached the latest Nuke submission script files, just in case yours happened to be out of date. Just back up the contents of your current [Repository root]/scripts/Submission/NukeSubmission, and extract the attached Zip file to that folder.
NukeSubmission.zip (2.96 KB)

ok so that worked on one machine:)

that has allowed me to submit through the nuke gui on Nuke5.1v3 but still produces an error ‘fileid variable to defined’ I think at this stage i will perform a reinstall of mono/deadline/nuke before you spend anymore time on this particular issue.
Any progress on the access violation error from the deadlinemonitor on a mac?

Thnx again

Unfortunately, I don’t know what could cause an access violation error such as above other than folder permissions. Maybe there’s a couple files kicking around in Deadline’s temp folder that are causing an issue? At this point, a re-install is probably a good thing to try.