DL5.2 latest build - install issues

Despite having Mono 2.6.7 and XQuartz 2.7.something installer, the latest beta 5.2 Deadline installer complains that neither are available and so the repository install will not be fully carried out (something about certain aspects not being updated). I’m not at all sure what to make of this.

Target machine is a brand new piece of kit with OS X 10.8.2 installed. It’s never had Deadline installed before.

Do you have this problem with both the client installer and the repository installer, or just the repository installer?

Just the repository installer.
Screen Shot 2012-11-02 at 5.13.06 PM.png

Thanks. You can actually ignore this for now, since it’s just a warning. We had fixed the client installer to check for both XQuartz or X11, but it turns out doing the same for the Repository installer is more involved since it’s a different installer package type. We should update our documentation to say this warning can be ignored if XQuartz is installed.


  • Ryan