dlinit and ExecuteScriptFile


 In blender.dlinit , i just add a ExecuteScriptFile just before the render , and its does seems to work:

StartJob=ExecuteScriptFile( "StartJob.ffs" );
RenderExecutable=ExecuteScriptFile( "RenderExecutable.ffs" );
RenderArgument=ExecuteScriptFile( "RenderArgument.ffs" );
RenderStartupDir=DirectoryFromPath( BlenderExe );
PreRenderTasks=LogInfo( "Blender job starting..." ); FinishedFrameCount=0;
PostRenderTasks=LogInfo( "Blender job finished." );

LogInfo( "write log from startjob" );

During render i don't see any log from the startjob.ffs.

What i'm doing wrong ?


Thanks for your support.


Hi Lemble,

There are two types of scripted plugins - a basic type which most of our

plugins (including Blender) use, and a more advanced type. The

‘StartJob=’ key is part of the advanced plugin, which is why it’s not

being executed during the render. For Blender, if you want to perform

some operations before the render begins, you should create a script

file called PreRenderTasks.ffs which contains the following:

/LogInfo( “Blender job starting…” );


… Your processing code here …


Then in blender.dlinit, change the ‘PreRenderTasks=’ key to look like:

/PreRenderTasks=//ExecuteScriptFile( “PreRenderTasks.ffs” );/
