Do Deadline devs look at this forum now that Deadline is free?

Just curious how support will change now that it’s offered as a free service.

This used to be a very active forum but I see many questions go unanswered.
And those that are answered, are done by our very helpful community members.

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make a ticket

The support team are all there, and just as responsive. The forum is just that, a community where they may pop by. It’s also as busy as it’s ever been, you can show the stats on here somehow

I usually make a ticket AND a post, and sometimes reference them, it’s not always that the team have encountered the issue, whereas someone on the forum may have and are willing to help.

It’s a shame that things like the redshift plugin post don’t get more attention and get implemented, and there’ll always be posts that slip by unnoticed.

It always helps to detail as much information as possible in your post, I find it helps ‘rubber duck’ the issue, and sometimes find the answer this way