Hi there.
Just wanting to double check something as it seems a bit ambiguous depending on what I find and experience.
Does deadline support rendering to mp4 using distributed rendering?
This is a h.264 render over 3 machines, they seem to only render each frame as it normally would but only output a one frame file.
Have read on other posts that Deadline doesnt work with video files, or some say only using one machine rather than distributed rendering where it compiles at the end.
Hope someone could shed some light on this.
Thanks in advance.
I don’t think there’s anything that does distributed video encoding?
Majority of the apps in use render out frames, which can then be compiled once the sequence is complete.
Same way that a large After Effects comp should be rendered, distribute by frame, once all frames are available compile into a video file.
If there are licensing clauses it’ll like be with the built in tools (draft), but using AE, ME, Nuke etc shouldn’t have these issues.
You can do this but only via a single node. It’s not possible to encode using multiple machines at once, because the frames are not produced linearly. Avoid trying Adobe Media Encoder as while Deadline supports it, Adobe still haven’t fixed their Menc commandline rendering.