Draft 1.4.1 RC1 (revision #59261)

Draft 1.4 RC1 is now available, and will also be released with Deadline 7.2 Beta 8.

This version of Draft will not work with Deadline 6 or earlier. The installers for Deadline 7.2 include Draft 1.4.1 Beta 2, but you can also (re)install Draft from the attached .zip archives.

To update Draft, all you should need to do is extract the attached Draft .zip file into the root of your Deadline Repository. It will propagate to the slaves when needed.

If you are using Draft 1.3.x or earlier, you will need an updated Draft 1.4 license.

[size=150]What’s New:[/size]

Fixed various bugs

  • Draft was always writing PNG and TIFF files with an alpha channel.
  • The TileAssembler was setting final data window with width and height one pixel bigger than necessary, temporarily carrying useless black pixels.
  • Successive crops was not giving the correct results (resulting image was shifted).
  • Fixed a bug in deepcopy.
  • Changed Magick::Color( “black” ) to Magick::Color( 0, 0, 0 ) so Draft won’t rely on finding colors.xml.

Improved warning messages

  • Writing an image to file with an undefined compression doesn’t issue a warning anymore.

Improved Draft robustness

[size=85]Draft_Deadline7_1_4_1_59261_beta2.zip - removed
Draft binaries
(88.13 MiB) Downloaded 2 times[/size]

DraftDocumentation-1.4.1b2.pdf (312 KB)
DraftDocumentation-1.4.1b2.zip (426 KB)