draft and sequence names

Hi Jon,

we sometimes get errors with draft if the image sequence is not numbered _0000.ext but maybe _045678.ext

It looks like this:

I also noted that the filename of the mov always looks like this xxx…mov (the two dots are not so nice…).



Hey Timor,

I don’t see any error message in that log… or are you just referring to the fact that all the frame numbers are getting passed to the script? That was my bad, I had coded it to pass in the full list of frames instead of the shortened frame list (e.g., “0-2431”). That should be changed in the RC1 version, I think (if not it will be in the next release). This should be harmless though, though a bit ugly; has this actually been causing issues? If so, could you post the full log?

In the meantime, I’ll look into the ‘…mov’ thing, and make sure we’re stripping that extra period out.


  • Jon