Draft Beta Build 8

In the last few Deadline builds we changed how Draft is installed and distributed – it should primarily reside in a Draft folder in the root of the Deadline repository. Slaves will now check their version of Draft against the repository and self-update their local copies if/when needed. This works similarly to our regular auto-updating for the Deadline binaries, but is done by the Draft plugin when it is loaded up by the Slave. As such, to update Draft, all you should need to do is extract the attached .zip file in the root of your Deadline Repository, and it will propagate to the slaves when needed. It is strongly recommended that you manually remove any old local Draft installs on the slaves to prevent any conflicts (such as in C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\bin\Draft)

[size=150]What’s New[/size]

  • New implementation of Image.Resize(), Image.Crop(), Image.Composite(), Image.CompositeWithGravity(), and Image.CompositeWithPositionAndGravity()
    [list][]These functions should be faster, and they now use floating-point color internally
    [*]VideoEncoder’s fps parameter will now accept a Fraction, an integer, or a float
  • To get an NTSC frame rate, you can use a Rational:

from fractions import Fraction fps = Fraction(30000, 1001) encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( 'c:/out.mov', fps, 640, 480, 512, 'MJPEG' )

  • Or approximate it using a float:

fps = 29.97 encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( 'c:/out.mov', fps, 640, 480, 512, 'MJPEG' )

  • Removed a special case which used a fractional frame rate for DNXHD codec at 1280x720 @ 24 fps. You can now specify such frame rates directly.
    ]Added DraftParamParser.FrameRangeToFrames() function to convert a frame string to a list of frames (e.g. “1-5” -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])[/:m]
    ]Faster Image.ReadFromFile() and Image.WriteToFile() for some file types[/*:m][/list:u]

[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]

  • Fixed crash when reading uncompressed AVI and QuickTime movies
  • Fixed ‘bitrate tolerance too small for bitrate’ error when using higher bitrates with MJPEG
  • Fixed DraftParamParser.ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber() to handle filenames containing ‘%’ character
  • Image.WriteToFile() now displays an error message in some cases where it used to fail silently