Draft cannot handle deep render elements

Hello Thinkbox,

We already filed a ticket for this (support.thinkboxsoftware.com/ti … p?id=20059), but since it’s a pretty important topic for us I figured I bring it up here in the forum as well.

For one of our current projects, on certain frames we run into very long render times (48+ hours). Luckily with Deadline this isn’t a big problem as we can just use multi-region rendering. However we encountered a problem with the Draft stichting job. It seems like Draft cannot handle deep render elements. All other render outputs are handled correctly and the results are great. This feature is a huge help for us.

On the ticket mentioned above you’ll find a sample file, but we are happy to provide further data if needed.

Any further information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Thinkbox Deadline
Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 SP2
Chaosgroup V-Ray 3.40.03

Hey Christian,

Assembling support for deep exrs has been added to the wishlist, but we’re unable to give a definitive ETA at this point. We’ll be doing some preliminary investigating first to figure out how much work will be involved, and then from there we should have a better idea of where this fits in our roadmap.


Hello Ryan,

Thank you for the additional information. That gives us a better idea how to approach this topic.

Thank you,