Draft Event Priority Problem?

I’m just now noticing that draft events are submitted after the job finishes. Seems like this could cause problems with priority if all of the machines jump onto another job before any of them pick it up and then you’re waiting 3 hours for a 3D render to finish and a machine to execute the 3 second draft job. Or if there is a high priority job that was submitted maybe an hour after your 3D job but has the same priority, technically you should have priority on your draft job since it goes along with a job started 2 hours ago, but since the other job has a lower submit time it will “win”.

Can you cheat the “submit time” to be the same as the 3D job? How does priority logic work with these event plugins?

You could always tweak the event plugin to create the jobs at submit time, and just have them depend on the original job, if you’re concerned about stuff like that. I think you could theoretically also just fake the submit time to be something else, but you’d have to do that after the jobs have been submitted, I think, since we set it automatically.

But other than that, it should still be respecting pool/priority stuff, so if the Draft job is in a higher pool, it should still get picked up before stuff that was submitted before it.