Draft QuickSubmission and shotgun


i’m having a few issues regarding Draft. Might be better to post them separately but to me they seem related.
So here we go:

i reconfigured the Draft Output Folder to be ‘…/Draft’ instead of just ‘Draft’ as i wanted the results in a folder one level up. This works basically fine. BUT:

  • when rendering a comp with several outputs (and this is basically the norm), e.g. DPX and JPG, the two jobs will now overwrite each other as they’re rendering to the same folder. It would be great to be able to add some kind of suffix to the filename of the Draft output to know which output it was created from. An option to select which output to use to create the Quicktime would be even better. Usually, generating this from the JPG output is sufficient and actually also the one that is the one that looks ‘correct’ in the sense of color/gamma. DPX are very often Cineon Log, Alexa Log, etc.

  • in the ‘Deadline: Job Completed: …’ mail the text of the output location is wrong. In my test case it says file:///Y:/test/tst_000_000/comp/test_tst_000_000_comp_v050_hh/1920x1080_dpx/../Draft
    The html link itself that’s attached to it is correct though:


i was trying to use the QuickDraft output to upload to shotgun instead of the ‘shotgun_h264.mov’ that’s being created when checking ‘Create/Upload Movie’ from Nuke’s Deadline submitter. Instead, i checked ‘Upload to Shotgun’ next to ‘Submit Dependent Draft Job’ as i wanted this QT file to upload to shotgun instead. Please see the attached screenshot for the settings i used. The file is there but it’s not being uploaded to shotgun. The filmstrip is being uploaded correctly, though. I can also see that the ‘Uploaded Movie’ field in shotgun is empty for that version.

Please let me know if you need any more info.


UPDATE regarding 2.

i just submitted a 3ds Max scene with the same settings as with the Nuke submission (see attached screenshot). In this case it did upload the movie into ‘Uploaded Movie’ in shotgun.
Mabe this’ll help finding the issue.


Hi Holger, Thanks for reporting the problems. We’re taking a look at them now! For #1, adding a suffix seems like a good idea. As for #2, I’ll take a look to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing, and get back to you. Thanks for testing!

Hi Conrad,

thanks for the update!
Regarding #1: i think it’d be good to make this a configurable option in the Draft plugin settings. Maybe not everybody wants this suffix. Thinking about it, a good solution won’t be too easy. What criteria is the suffix actually based on? File extension of the input files? Parent folder name? There’s probably a bunch of other info that could potentially be used in the suffix and it probably depends very much on the pipeline and needs of a studio. Do you think a solution using keywords is possible? I think that would make it the most flexible solution and make it easier to expand the list in the future. E.g. {fileext}, {parentfolder1}, {parentfolder2}, etc. I attached a mockup image of the settings to illustrate what i’m talking about.
What do you think?


For #1, I believe the the first thing to do would be a simple check to prevent the files from being overwritten. Then when an overwrite is detected, we would modify the file name to prevent it at that level. I am looking into doing a suffix option, but it won’t necessarily be at the plugin configuration level.

In the setup we’re currently running there’s no chance of files being overwritten as all the different outputs are in their own dedicated subfolders. And the result from Draft is in a subfolder of those. Things are different of course when using e.g. “…/Draft” as the output folder. So in case of the latter, you have files mixed in a folder with and without suffix how do you know what the one without the suffix is? I’m thinking in terms of the reliability of the filename in regards to where it’s coming from. It can happen that the amount of different outputs varies during a project. So in case you’re thinking of adding suffixes like e.g. “_2”, “_3”, etc. in the case where a file would get overwritten there’s no consistency in where “_2”, “_3” and so on are coming from. I think to always have a suffix - related to the file(s) it was created from - is the better solution as it’s more consistent and configurable to meet the needs of each pipeline/workflow. In the basic Deadline config it also wouldn’t be different from what it is currently and not break existing setups.
