i’m not 100% sure whether this is the right place since there’s also a Draft subforum. But as it’s the Deadline 7.2 beta i thought i’ll post it here first.
I’m getting errors on dependent Draft jobs that were part of a Nuke submission. I chose the ‘Quick’ preset to create a Quicktime of the finished comp. But i keep getting the same error message on all machines that try to render the job. Below is the complete output from the Task report of one of the machines. I think the relevant part is this:
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: STDOUT: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin\dpython.exe: can't open file '\\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo\events\Draft\DraftQuickSubmission\DraftCreateMovie.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I checked the Deadline repo folder and there is neither a file called ‘DraftCreateMovie.py’ nor does the folder called ‘DraftQuickSubmission’ exist. Is this maybe from a broken Repository installer?
Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 2. Check the log for more information.
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)
Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.a(TaskLogWriter A_0)
2015-07-27 20:39:21: BEGIN - CELL-WS-20\render
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: Loaded plugin Draft (\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo\plugins\Draft)
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: Task timeout is disabled.
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: Loaded job: onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh.nk [Quick Draft] (55b67a0a0ae5b607c84c6b68)
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script C:\Users\render\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\CELL-WS-20\plugins\55b67a0a0ae5b607c84c6b68\Draft.py
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: INFO: Found Draft python module at: ‘C:\Users\render\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\CELL-WS-20\Draft\Draft.pyd’
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: INFO: About: Draft Plugin for Deadline
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2015-07-27 20:39:21: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1-96
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Draft job starting…
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Running as user: render
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Looking for bundled python at: ‘C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin\dpython.exe’
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin\dpython.exe”
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Argument: -u “\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo\events\Draft\DraftQuickSubmission\DraftCreateMovie.py” resolution=“1” codec=“H264” quality=“85” frameRate=“25” frameList=1-96 startFrame=1 endFrame=96 inFile=“Y:\onl\cgr_001_090\comp\onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh\1920x1080_jpg\onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh.#######.jpg” outFile=“Y:\onl\cgr_001_090\comp\onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh\1920x1080_jpg\Draft\onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh.mov” outFolder=“Y:\onl\cgr_001_090\comp\onl_cgr_001_090_comp_v009_hh\1920x1080_jpg\Draft” deadlineJobID=55b6788a3199901748e5172e deadlineRepository="\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo" taskStartFrame=1 taskEndFrame=96
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Users\render\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\CELL-WS-20\Draft”
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: INFO: Process is now running
2015-07-27 20:39:23: 0: STDOUT: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin\dpython.exe: can’t open file ‘\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo\events\Draft\DraftQuickSubmission\DraftCreateMovie.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2015-07-27 20:39:24: 0: INFO: Process exit code: 2
2015-07-27 20:39:25: 0: An exception occurred: Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 2. Check the log for more information.
2015-07-27 20:39:25: at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
Date: 07/27/2015 20:39:25
Frames: 1-96
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:08
Job Submit Date: 07/27/2015 20:35:54
Job User: administrator
Average RAM Usage: 2814070272 (9%)
Peak RAM Usage: 2820210688 (9%)
Average CPU Usage: 4%
Peak CPU Usage: 7%
Used CPU Clocks: 23012
Total CPU Clocks: 575280
Slave Information
Slave Name: CELL-WS-20
Version: v7.2.0.10 R (f26c85d44)
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional (SP1)
Running As Service: No
Machine User: render
IP Address:
MAC Address: 00:25:22:B7:97:2B
CPU Architecture: x64
CPUs: 8
CPU Usage: 7%
Memory Usage: 2.6 GB / 32.0 GB (8%)
Free Disk Space: 649.875 GB (30.060 GB on C:, 394.384 GB on D:, 225.431 GB on F:)
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580