Draft - RC4 Bugs

Comments on RC4:

  • Alpha channels screw up Quicktimes.
  • EXRs not gamma corrected
  • EXRs not pre-multiplied before compositing.
  • H264 Transparency flag not set

Also H264s aren’t playing back smoothly in Quicktime from draft.
They look superb but some setting must be too high to prevent playback on mortal computers.

EDIT: They do play smoothly in windows media player, but that’s a crapshoot for expecting clients to use WMP instead of QT.

Setting bitrate too high results in mangled H264s.

I’m aware of setting the bitrate too high resulting in mangled video – I’m not sure if there’s anything we can do about that though =/

In terms of the non-smooth playback in QT, could you try setting the kbitrate to 200? I know that sounds weird, but 200 kbit/s is a sentinel value for the h264 stuff in FFMPEG (in the version we’re currently using anyways) to use CRF encoding instead of ABR. I wonder if that will make a difference, or if it’s something else I’m not doing properly…

And it looks like I’ll have to take a look at alpha/transparency and EXR stuff =/


  • Jon