AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Draft v1.1.0 RC1 Feedback

Quick list of feedback based on Draft v1.1 that was recently released. In no order of priority.

  1. Does writing to EXR’s support the various, different compression types? Ability to read in EXR as one compression type and write out EXR as another compression type? Need overloaded option when writing.

  2. Draft support DataWindow vs. DisplayWindow in reading/writing EXR’s?

  3. Draft support writing to compressed TGA’s, compressed TIF’s (including all the different compression types).

  4. Draft able to recognise if incoming image type has certain settings such as compressed TGA and then able to ensure writing to same format is identical? Draft should be able to write image files so they are identical to the incoming image file.

  5. EXR v2.0 deep buffer support required: *Added Feature highlights for v2 release

  • Flexible support for deep data. Pixels can store a variable-length list of
    samples and, thus, it is possible to store multiple values at different
    depths for each pixel. Hard surfaces and volumetric data representations
    are accommodated.
  • Multipart. Ability to encode separate, but related, images in one file.
    This allows for access to individual parts without the need to read other
    parts in the file.
  • Versioning. OpenEXR source allows for user configurable C++
    namespaces to provide protection when using multiple versions of the
    library in the same process space.
  1. Draft support reading/writing of VRay *.vrimg files via Chaos Group VRay SDK

  2. Draft should support all metadata that can be injected into an EXR file, including animated 3D cameras, additional text metadata. See Max MAXScript docs for what can be embedded into an EXR being saved from 3dsMax during rendering.

  3. QuickTime Pro-Res support :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback! I will ensure that these are on our wish list.

No, currently Draft always writes scanline EXR files using ZIPS compression, and tiled EXR files using ZIP compression.

No, currently Draft always uses the DisplayWindow when reading EXR files, and it writes EXR files with DataWindow equal to DisplayWindow.

What would you like to do with deep EXRs in Draft?

It’s not neccessarily the deep part of EXR I’m most interested in, but rather the improvements in I/O performance and added feature of multi-part reading/writing that interest me the most. I’m sure others will jump in in the coming months, requesting deep support, especially as all the major DCC vendors add this support as well. I’m just asking ahead of the crowd :slight_smile:

Alright, thanks! We updated to OpenEXR 2.1, but we aren’t using any of the new features yet.

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