I think this has been discussed quite a few times before, but is there any plan to handle the concept of “I want my Deadline job to run once on every slave I select in the queue”, so that custom jobs can be run for say, admin / maintenance purposes to deploy/config software for example. A kind of dynamic whitelist/blacklist concept where when the job has run on a slave successfully, it then gets blacklisted from ever running again, unless re-queued?
Hi Mike,
It’s still on the wishlist. We have some ideas for how we want implement this, it’s just a matter of finding the appropriate road map to add it to.
- Ryan
v4.3 / v5?
Has there been any noises towards having such a useful little feature? Or is there a Deadline command we can execute post frame completion to ‘disable node’ if successful python script executed and completed.
Not yet. We’ve been focusing on the UI and the backend for Deadline 6, but we’ll be looking at middle-layer features like this in later releases.
- Ryan
Completely understand Ryan, far be it from me to distract y’all from 6 !
I’ll have a rummage about the docs concerning commandlines and node control
If anything it’s a one shot deal with ability to have a condition in there if it’s already present to not re-deploy.
FYI. Blast from the past, but for anyone reading this forum post, this feature got added in Deadline v6.1 and is called: “Maintenance Job Mode”. See here for more info: thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … nance_Jobs