EC2 Credential Fail

Let me start off by saying I’m a EC2 neophyte. I can’t get my credentials to verify, but I could easily be pulling the wrong values. I’ve attached a screenshot about where I’m getting the information from.

I’m going to run through the infromation along with some things that I think can be labeled better. Again, I am new so feel free to think some to these are me being stupid.

Configure CLoud Providers-> Add:

  1. Select Amazon. Region Name: This is an arbitrary string to help you remember different setups.
  2. Enabled:True
  3. Access Key ID. This is a IAM Access Key ID. I only figured this out from the tooltip. I think it would be better labeld, “IAM Access Key ID”. This key was retrieved from … s/deadline which is obviously a user I created named “deadline” and has a key associated with it.
  4. Secret Access Key: The associated access key with the IAM user. This was presented one time when the user was created and had the possiblity to download.
  5. Region: The region on AWS. Since my user is in us-west-2 from the URL above, I chose us-west-2.
  6. ACcount Number: This is the overall account number associated with the amazon service. I retrieved this from
  7. INstnace Name: Arbitrary value
  8. Key Pair Name: The name of the key pair used for logging into computers.
  9. Subnet ID. I really had trouble finding this. So I simply went through the create instance process to where it asked what subnet. I assume you want the ID and not the IP range.
  10. Instance Types. I changed this from t1.micro to t2.micro since the instance wizard showed t2.x values and no t1. I tried t1 also but didn’t fix.

Question: If my credentials fail it has only to do with the values in the Options rollout?

Hey oatz,

You’re totally right, this cloud stuff can be pretty confusing to setup and from what I can tell you’re super close to getting this to work. You’re going to need to add the ‘deadline’ user to a group and set some group permissions. All you need is the Power User permission which gives the user full access to AWS services and resources.

We actually only use Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and Region to verify access. The Account Number is only used to filter the list of ami’s.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks,

Thanks! I assume the deadline user is because the IAM user is named deadline. I created that user and have added him to a user group ‘EC2’. However, I can’t find any reference to how to promote a user to Power User in the Deadline 6 or 7 documenation. I see it in the 5.x. Was this deprecated? … anagement/

Sorry I should have specified that that group permissions stuff is on the IAM Console not in Deadline.



Hi, sorry for hijacking this thread, but I’m having the same problem, except, mine doesn’t get solved as yours did :frowning:

I’ve put everything into the fields as described, but still can’t connect to Amazon’s machines.

Also, one detail, I cannot select the correct zone: eu-west-1a only eu-west-1 does this make any difference?

I’m currently on the latest Deadline version: R (53013d5bd)

Thanks in advance!