
Im trying to figure out how to set up email notification properly. No matter what i do i get this message at the end of the job:

notifying ---- November 09 2011 -- 09:13 PM ---- Error occurred while trying to send email: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException - Message could not be sent. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException - Connection timed out
The email settings are like this:

Sender: bonsak(at)
SMTP psw: ********
SMTP user name: bonsak
SMTP port: 25
SMTP server:
SMTP ssl: True
Any suggestions?


Is it possible that you need to use your email address as the login name? Also, since you have SSL enabled, I think you need to use port 465. You’re basically configuring an Outgoing Mail server here, so this documentation should be helpful: … swer=13287


  • Ryan

Google was tricky. Ended up using my ISP’s smpt instead. Works great.


got the same problem here, tried both port 587 and 465.

with 587 and not ssl, I get:

Attempting to send test email…
Error occurred while trying to send email:
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException - The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i5sm24022908wiw.7 - gsmtp

else 587 with ssl and 465 with and without ssl:

Attempting to send test email…
Error occurred while trying to send email:
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException - The operation has timed out.

using deadline

Could there be a firewall that’s blocking communication over port 465?

thanks rrussell, it was something to do with our forwarding here. ended up using port 25