Ember Alpha 002

Hi Ember-ers,

This is the second alpha build of Ember (in 64bit flavors only this time). We’ve taken a lot of your suggestions into account, and added a few new features as well as a bunch of polish. Most of the new features (Ember Texmap, Ember ForceField) are just proof of concept implementations and are not anywhere near feature complete. Let’s hear your thoughts and keep the suggestions coming!

EmberMX_Alpha_v002 - Max2010 - 64bit.rar (2.17 MB)
EmberMX_Alpha_v002 - Max2012 - 64bit.rar (2.17 MB)
EmberMX_Alpha_v002 - Max2013 - 64bit.rar (2.13 MB)

Here are the updated MacroScripts for creating PRT Ember, SIM Ember and (NEW) Ember Force.
Also added tooltips to explain how SHIFT affects them.
Ember_Creator_20120727.zip (1.51 KB)